South Korea Considers Strict Legal Limit to Kids' Gaming Time

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Shikou, Feb 9, 2012.

  1. Shikou Kingdom Keeper

    May 13, 2009
    Originally posted by Crunchyroll
  2. That is absurd. If a parent cannot control there kids willing to stop playing Pokemon or WoW, what dose the government think it can do? Allowing 4 hours of game time is not only strict, it is overly necessary and forces the teaching of the parent to be obscured. The way the parent intends for the child to be raised will be changed for the parents that allow 5+ hours and will change how the kids learn from there parents. Soon, the child will be raised by the government instead of the parents...
  3. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    I give this about like 3 weeks total because you physically stop someone from playing video games. This will just cause them to want to play even more and find any and every way possible to do this. Like how the schools block some websites, people found a way around it which then became popular and everyone would use this. The school can't stop it because teachers assign work that requires computer, or laptop use so what's your move. If you never blocked it to begin with none of that would be happening. So now trying to stop VIDEO GAMES of all things from being by the populous is so stupid what are these clowns doing? Do you wanna lose respect from all of your people? You say yea this is more like it now, but wait till their kids starts getting into some serious trouble because they want to play. You call it addiction I call it helping the economy. So let you young child do their part in trying to save the economy please you won't be disappointed.