Well, I'm not sure what that is, but I'm glad you enjoyed it, Tienewman. What's the storyline? Are you trying to kill us? D=
I rented this movie from Netflix a few days ago and I thought it was a really good sci-fi/thriller, even though it's "science" is impossible! But that's okay, cause many science fiction's "science" are, and this movie's secondary genre measures up. Major spoilers ahead. Spoiler Listing some of the questions that popped into my head while viewing: How is it possible to recreate an entire universe out of memories? Even the location of a hidden bomb? Why is Jeffrey Wright's character in crutches? Will Jake Gyllenhaal's character ever tell Michelle Monaghan that he's not the person she thinks he is? What happened to the real Sean Fentress? I've listened to the commentary and it mentions some of these questions and only answers one of them, and apparently it doesn't end well for Sean Fentress. One of my favorite surprises was when we see that Colter was communicating with the lab through text. I had just assumed that they were being feed video of whatever Colter's imagining in his mind. It really pounds in the fact that Colter really is helpless, and is the victim in this story.
i hate it when they twist the science just so they can have a good movie like they did with deja vu and they're not helping the science industial by showing that "if you help america your going to get kill but dont worry you'll live on in another life"
I agree somewhat, there were a few holes in the logic of this movie . . . well it was a movie though and I pay to see things that can't happen (most of the time) rather than can. Though all and all it was a pretty good movie. I especially liked the ending (I won't spoil it) but I have to be honest, it through me off. I was expecting . . . what was to be expected.