someone at the store suggested that i played soul hackers and that if i liked persona i would love it since its in the same serries..or something like that..i have started playing it..and honestly...i find it to be kinda dull..has anyone played it? does it get better or is it still a flop?
I have it, but haven't played it yet. Also what they were referring to when they said same series as Persona was the Shin Megami Tensei series of games. And having not played SMT: DS: Soul Hackers yet, I can tell you that you won't be getting anywhere near the same experience as a Persona game, except for recognizable demons and a story involving the end of the world in some way, or something. I would expect gameplay to be similar; recognizable moves, demons, combat, etc. ...To answer your question, since I haven't played it, I dunno if anything more will happen. You'll just recruit more demons at your leisure, strengthening your party, and continue on beating those bad people/demons up until you beat the game, most likely. The story will probably pick up though, knowing SMT.