Sora's Fortune:Square-soft and Naughty dog game cross-over

Discussion in 'Archives' started by BaseSebastian, Apr 27, 2008.

  1. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    (Author Introlude:I thought since I haven't been writing lately where everybody can see the writing frequently, I thought I'd do two Fanfics at the same time on here, just to satisfy everyone who thought I stopped writing. Just when you were about to start celebrating, right? Just kidding.

    The title explains it all, a mixture of Drake's Fortune and Kingdom hearts. Expect one person who died in the game to not die (You guess which game), but also expect that the crossover won't stop with Drake's fortune. That's right! I'll be bringing in two very familiar Naughty Dog characters into the mix.

    Warning, this will follow the basic plot line of "Drake's Fortune" for the PS3. Expect spoilers.

    Also, if you're thinking by now about my credibility, where I've always started a fanfic, then stopped so I could write it all and then post the entire novel, this one will be completely done on this very site. Along with my other Fanfic now running, "Not a Sebax series story in Amber's cookie castle" and no, that's not a stupid way of putting the title, that is the title. This one will be slightly more serious with comic relief.

    So read and enjoy, Sora's Fortune and feel free to post to tell me what you think.
    Some CnC Please!)

    Chapter 1

    A slight ocean breeze wiped across Riku's face,
    just another sunset evening on Destiny Islands.

    The Auburn sky was alight with seagulls going about their own way.
    The smell of salt-water lingering in the air.

    Just then, Riku heard a voice behind him.
    It was Sora, no doubt in more trouble than the younger teen could handle.

    Riku allowed a small chuckle, with Sora coming closer,
    but his meager grin was meant with fear and uncertaintity out of Sora's eyes.

    Immediately, Riku changed his mood to serious.
    "What's wrong?" More a command than a question.

    Sora wheezed and bent over a little onto his knees a
    little bit but straightened up moments later.
    "Pirates..took Kairi..." He managed, half worried, half exhausted.

    With this, Riku and Sora heard from their perch on the bridge, a
    motor running and a armed boat racing off into the sunset.

    Riku looked from the disappearing motor boat to Sora, almost confused.
    "Like Captain Hook?" Riku asks Sora, reffering to his own
    commanding the Pirate captain for a short while.

    "No different ones, with guns and modern clothes." Sora explained.

    "Well come on, no time to lose." Riku exclaimed while running off onto the wooden boards back
    to the close land.

    Sora immediatley caught up, but looked at Riku with confusion.
    "But we'll never catch them!" Sora noted, bringing them both to a sudden halt.

    "Then how are we going to ctach them-" Riku starts off, but his words are cut off by a
    strange noise and rustling in a nearby bush.

    Riku and Sora, slowly encircled the small bush, which was alive with movement.
    "Think some pirates hid away so they could ambush us?" Sora asks almost silently,
    looking around the bush.

    "Too thick to tell..." Riku answers.

    Just then, a blur of orange flew by them, something small and possibly fuzzy had just flew
    inbetween Sora and Riku!

    Weirdest of all, the blur screamed in a annoying voice almost sounding like he was saying "JAACK!"

    Shocked and surprised, Sora and Riku whirl around to see the same furry object, with
    its tail upside and the rest of the small otter like body buried in the sand.

    Riku plucked the small creature by its tail out of the sand by it's tail.
    Two large eyes, with a set of Air-pilot google rested above them on the top of its head,
    rested between two long bunny-ears, swirled around dizzily, showing the thing
    was still alive.

    The creature, shaking its head off with the remaining sand, suddenly noticed
    Riku and Sora looking at him curisosly, still by his tail.

    With one long scream of shock from the both parties, the fuzzy creature was dropped head first
    back onto the sand, this time only landing on his stomach instead of back head-first.

    When the creature looked up, it's eyes grew with shock from two keyblades
    being pointed down at him.

    All the creature could do was gulp and look up and back into the bushes.
    When Sora looked back, the bush stilled moved, but as if something
    else had just parted it a moment before.

    "Umm...Riku..?" Sora asks worriedly, looking over to his friend, although they still kept locked on the orange creature.

    Instead of Riku's voice, two gun-clicks and whirs were heard from the back of
    Sora's and Riku's heads.
    Too afraid to look back, they put away their weapons and just stood still, facing the sea.

    The creature ran from the front to the back of them and the sound of scurrying against leather
    was all they could hear next.

    That was, until a gruff and older sounding voice came from behind them.
    "You guys giving my friend Daxter here any trouble?"

    Chapter 2

    "Put your hands up on your head." Commands the gruff voice from behind Riku and Sora just moments after he had spoken for the first time.

    Riku and Sora did as they were told, after all, they didn't know what this guy looked like,
    what he was capable of, or if he was with the pirates or not.

    "Now get down on your stomachs..." Commanded the voice further, a tightening of
    a grip on the handle of his weaponary being
    heard from behind. Insinuating need for Self-control.

    "Riku.." Sora says over to his friend in an almost sing-song voice, noticing
    how close they were to the shore line.

    Riku nodded without turning to Sora at his side.
    If they got onto their stomachs this close the ocean, they might
    even be carried off by the current or be drowned with the incoming tide.

    But when itchy tirgger-fingers were heard tapping on the fire mechanism of whatever was pointed at them, both Riku and Sora leapt onto their stomachs, hands still on their heads.

    "Now.." Commanded the voice even gruffer than anytime before.

    "Do the Worm, Baby!" Comes a sarcastic follow-up to the first persons next command.
    But instead of the gruff voice, it was instead like the one Sora and Riku
    had heard in the scream earlier.

    Bursting laughter from both of the voices told Riku and Sora immediatley,
    they had been tricked.
    They both leapt up onto their feet and summoned back their keyblades.

    "What's the big idea?!" Sora asks commandingly to the two sentients now straight in his view.

    One was a guy in a leather jacket and ripped slacks, holding two oddly shaped guns.
    The real distinguishing features of his were yellow hair cut super-short
    with a small goatee under his chin, and long pointed elf-ears.

    The other was the fuzzy, orange creature Sora and Riku had detained for a short while, rested on the other's right shoulder.

    Worst of all, they were still laughing hysterically, and pointing and mumbling through laughs at Sora and Riku.
    Sort of insulting if you just got a mouth full of salt-water seconds before.

    Riku and Sora got into attack postion, but it was pretty obvious the two others would not fight back when the two guns the tall one was holding, dropped into the sand from a lost grip from laughing so much.

    "You should have seen how quick you followed those orders!" The small one utters through laughs, eventually falling from his perch on the mysterious man's shoulders backwards and out of view.

    "Yeah, yeah we get it..." Sora groans, disappointed he didn't
    have a lead where those pirates took Kairi.
    Then his eyes light up. Kairi!

    "We gotta go now and save her!" Sora suddenly alerts Riku, who only shakes his head.

    "First let me point something out." Riku commands.

    "What's that?"

    "What was on the sides of the armoured boat, what was in the front,
    and what was in the back?" Riku asks all in one.

    Sora ponders for a moment, then he relaizes what he saw and what Riku was talking about.
    "Wings on the sides, a sealed cockpit in the front, and engines in the back!" Then it
    dawns on him.

    "Which makes..?" Riku asks, waiting for Sora to answer.

    "A gummi ship!" They both say in unison, looking off further not at the sea, but the sky.

    Sora groans in disbelief.
    "But Donald and Goofy have all the Gummi ships at Disney Castle!" He points out disappointingly.

    "That's the time they could even get here.." Riku mentions with pain,
    not expecting every detail for once.

    "No trace..gone.." Sora mumbles, and kicks the sand underfoot into the water with ferocity.

    The mysterious man suddenly realizes the two guys he and Daxter had just pulled
    a joke on were staring at the sky, and could make out half of what they said.

    Jak wasn't completely heartless, he knew what it was like to lose a loved one,
    like Damos, the man who never knew Jak was his son...just thinking
    about it made him boil with rage and sadness.

    Jak looked down at his right shoulder, where a still giggling Daxter was finally starting to climb back over his shoulder.
    "Get the device Dax." Jak says with an authority, as if he wanted it done immediately.

    Looking up confusedly, Daxter leapt down from his grip from jak's shoulder and landed for once on his feet in the sand.
    Moments later, coming back with a small golden device with a blue stone in the middle.

    "Here ya go.." Daxter says confusedly, leeting Jak take the item out of his two arms, even though Jak only needs his palm to hold it himself.
    "Don't know what you're planning, but I'm right beside ya!" Daxter says happily,
    bending one of his thin, fuzzy arms into a crowbar shape and pushing
    the arm towards the other in a "Go-get-'em" gesture.

    While Sora and Riku just stood on the fringe of the water and sand, the tide starting to roll against their shoes, Jak suddenly calls out from behind them.

    "Hey guys! Need some help?" Jak calls out to Sora and Riku, holding up the small device in the palm of his hand and waving it through the air.

    "Sora, this is your call." Riku offers, turning around along with Sora to face the new person.

    Sora looks from Riku to Jak, and grins back at Riku.
    "I'm game

    Chapter 3

    "Whatcha got there?" Sora asks, walking closer to examine what
    Jak had in the palm of his gloved hand.

    "It's a transforming device that allows me and Daxter here, to travel on different enviroments."
    Jak replies, giving Sora a better look.

    Daxter, once again perched on Jak's shoulder looks over at Riku, who's still standing on the shore from afar.
    "Hey! Oldie! Come over here and look at the whatcha-ma-call-it, thingy..." Daxter starts off yelling but gets quiter and uncertain when he can't remember the name of the device.

    "The Enviro!" Jak corrects Daxter, slightly annoyed.

    But before Daxter can correct himself, his thin neck is clutched in
    the grasp of Riku's opposite hand.
    "Call me old again, and you'll never even get to see what
    color your fur turns when you get old." Riku replies angrilly to being called
    old because of his odd hair color.

    Gasping for air, Daxter chokes out, " problem..."

    Riku releases his grip and Daxter breathes in air like a jet engine.
    "Jak! Why didn't you stop him!?" Daxter asks angrilly at his own friend for
    not keeping Daxter safe from strangulation.

    "Hey, you deserved it." Jak replies humerously, and Daxter tries
    to put in an objection but can't find one.

    "You know Riku, with silver hair and all you do look kinda-" Sora starts off humerously, but freezes when Riku gives him a cold stare.
    "Shutting up." Sora finishes, then goes back to looking at the new device.

    "Daxter, another thing, his hair is silver, just like Vin had, remember?" Jak defends Riku's case.

    "Wait, Vin wasn't old?" Daxter asks confusedly, as if he had just found out.

    "Wasn't? Had? If this Vin guy wasn't so old, how come you're talking about him in past tense?"
    Riku asks curiously but straight-forward.

    "Did he..?" Sora starts to ask, but is a little afraid to hear the answer.

    "Sort'll see." Jak quickly puts in, and lays the small device face up on level ground and bending over on one knee to push in the blue gem button.

    With a click, a hologram image blurred to life, first a little fuzzy, but then getting crisper as the sun set just as the button was pressed.

    "Hello?" Asks a nervous male voice from a head floating as a hologram. His eyes were hidden by a pair of goggles and his transparent hair was set back by a head cap that covered his forehead and half of the front of his scalp. "Who's there?!" He asks nervously again.

    "Vin, we need a space ship model, can you do that?" Jak asks with slight authority, the hologram head looking up at him curiously.

    "Oh it's you.." Vin replies with a sigh of relief., his image fading a little bit
    but becoming crisp again seconds later.
    "I'll have to check my database for any space models though, first." Vin continues,
    still sounding a little nervous, not even noticing Sora and Riku watching
    him with curisoty from behind before he buzzs-out.

    "Who was that?" Sora asks half-confused, half-interested.

    "That was Vin." Jak says plainly. "He used to be a mining foreman when we first met him, and he helped us out alot until.." Jak explains.

    "Metal heads attacked him!" Daxter finishes off with a flourish of his eyes and arms.
    "I would have been there to defend our pal, but with his dying breath,
    he entrusted me to stay with Jak, so he could complete his mission." Daxter says
    epically, and without a hint of any modesty.

    Jak looks queerly up at Daxter, raising one eyebrow and crossing his arms, shaking his head.
    "He's got it half right, at least." Jak notes sarcastically. He then faces Riku and Sora again.
    "You see, when these man-eating creatures called the metal heads
    attacked Haven city, where we live, they attacked Vin." Jak admits to the truth
    in Daxter's story.

    "And he really did tell us the last thing we needed to do before he dumped his brain into the city security grid." Jak explains.
    "Then a year later, we found him after we thought he died, and he helped us some more."

    "So to thank him, we made him a port-a-potty." Daxter jokes, with a elbow nudge to Jak, who doesn't laugh at all.

    "We made him Portable by making him the conductor of the system he made himself."
    Jak says with emphasis and glaring at Daxter for a short while.

    "So that's why you talked about him in 3rd sense about his hair." Sora adds in, thinking a bit.
    "That's because of him being a hologrma now, his hair isn't any color right?"

    "Score-1! Captain Obvious!" Daxter blurts out saracastically at Sora, crossing
    his thin arms and facing the other way.

    Jak sighs. "Don't mind him, he's just mad because he had to leave his girlfriend behind." Jak jokes to the others.

    "She is not my girlfriend! We are just dating while I am perusing my options!" Daxter defends himself, coloring up his words a bit.

    "What options?" Jak asks curiously and sarcastically.
    "Tess is the only Ottsel you know." Jak points out,
    showing how much Daxter lies.

    "I can name at least three other ottsels I know." Daxter says nervously, still trying to sound believable.

    "Who are the precursors, who are all guys." Jak points out again.

    "OK SO SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND!" Daxter blurts out, yelling and trying to make himself heard.

    Sora can't help but choke back a chuckle of laughter from the look on the ottsel's face.

    "Hey Jak, I found a space ship model but- Whuzzat?!" Vin comes back saying,
    but in the middle of his sentence turns around to see
    Sora and Riku staring down at him.

    "Who the Precursors are they!?" Vin asks more nervous then ever.

    "Sorry, never caught your names there, guys..." Jak says nonchantly, rubbing the back of his head with one hand.

    "I'm Sora and the serious one is Riku." Sora introduces himself and Riku at the same time.

    "Jak Mar, Daxter, and Vin." Jak quick-intros, pointing to himself, a rolling-eyed Daxter, and Vin, the hologram on the ground.

    "So they don't want to destroy me?" Vin asks shakingly.

    "Nope." Sora answers friendly with wave.

    Vin sighs a breath of relief and looks back up at Riku and Sora.
    "Sorry, I've always been a bundle of nerves."

    "Yeah, and you guys are lucky he didn't just have a gun...or arms." Jak half-jokes,
    reffering to the first time he and Daxter met the mining foreman.

    "Anyway, I found a ship, but it doesn't have so good a defense system. You'll really have to be careful!" Vin describes what he found with emphasis.

    "Ok, he found a ship, how do we get it?" Riku asks doubtingly, not seeing how
    the tiny little device could get them to the ship.

    "Just wait, and back up." Jak says, backing up himself a safe distance away from
    the device on the ground.

    Sora just shrugs and does the same, leaving a still doubting Riku
    standing over the device, waiting.

    When the earth beneath the device began to rumble, shaking Riku off his feet, only then did everyone realizes what the device could do.

    It first sprouted a small box from beneath it that grew larger and larger until it pushed Riku all the way into shallow waters, finally stopping when it had reached at maximum height and width.

    The end result took up a good area of land of the beach and made Riku have to walk around it.
    When Riku leaned against one side of the box, Jak called out to him.

    "I wouldn't do that, if I were you!" Jak says warningly

    "Oh yeah? Why's that?" Riku asks saracastically.

    "Because the box-" Jak starts off again, but the sides of the box falling outwardly from the sides, catching Riku under one of them, stopped him half-sentence.

    "That!" Daxter completes, laughing hysterically.

    "Yeah! Real funny!" Riku yells back, climbing out from under a heavy metal side, spitting out a mouth full of sand.

    Helping Riku out, they both look at the ship once Riku is safely out from under.
    The ship was a large, blocky build, with a few out-dated canons on each side.
    It was rusted, but flyable...

    "Get in." Jak commands, opening the door panel on the side of the forefront cockpit
    with a wide view panel, letting the others slide in first and find their seats.

    "Strap in your seat belts-" jak says with confidence, getting into the pilot's chair.

    "-It's going to be one rusted, leaky, shell of a ride." Daxter comically notes, a tad bit more nervous and less confident.

    Chapter 4

    Everyone buckled in, the shuttle still grounded, Sora's mind began to drift off.
    What'll happen if we fin out something's happened to Kairi, and we're too late?

    Riku looked over to the seat opposite him, understandingly fully, why Sora was gazing out the front window.

    A hand on the shoulder and a calming "Seh'll be ok." from Riku, brought Sora back to reality.

    "Say, I want to be moved if you guys are all-" Daxter starts off in an
    insultingly curious way, looking over at Riku's hand on Sora's shoulder.

    Immediately, Riku retrieved his hand to get it ready to punch the Ottsel until Jak spoke out.

    "Dax!" Jak cuts in sharply, going over the console to see why the shuttle wasn't lifting off yet.

    "What?! I don't want them goin' all sissy on me!" Daxter retorts, as if he did nothing wrong.

    "Says the rat in the children's booster seat!" Jak states, and
    Daxter doesn't respond back and just crosses his arms and looks down to the side
    angrilly in his booster seat.

    "Something must be wrong with the engine.." Jak notes thoughtfully, unbuckling himself,
    and getting ready to leap out and check the engine.

    "Umm, don't know much about high technology buddy, but ya ain't tried that one yet."
    Daxter perks up before Jak has the chance to get out, pointing one fuzzy finger toward a red-button marked "start engine" in bold black letters.

    "Ok.., but first, one slight adjustment." Jak grumbles, ticked off a bit by being
    shown up by Daxter after he had just shown him up.

    "Hey, buddy, why ya lookin' at me like that." Daxter asks meekly as Jak comes closer and closer with a roll of duct tape.

    "That's going to hurt when he can take it off, but at least we're guranteened a quite ride."
    Jak admits, looking back to Daxter's seat, where the ottsel's mouth, hands, and legs, are all bound to the seat with duct tape.

    The only comments he can silently make are glaring eyes and a rather rude hand gesture, unable to even lift his hand however.

    "Now who's the sissy?" Sora jokes at Daxter, giving him a stink eye.

    "You see anyother ships?" Riku asks Jak, sitting now in the co-pilot seat.

    "Nope, but I know someone who can." Jak notes positively.


    "Vin! You up?" Jak calls out, keeping his eyes still fixed out on space while keeping a small holopad screen in sight.

    The holopad whirrs to life, lifting an image up from the screen below with Vin's floating head.

    "Oh yeah I'm up, after only half a milli-cycle of sleep!" Vin complains in a
    nerdy and computic way.

    "Search the surrounding area for any ships that might have departed an hour ago."
    Jak says, uncaring of Vin's complaint.

    "Yeah sure, whatever. GET US ALL BLOWN UP!" Vin starts off meekly but booms,
    though still in a nervous tone, mid-sentence.

    "Just do it!" Jak commands, not much time to kill.

    "One ship: left the sector forty-four minutes ago, due east of your direction."
    Vin computes, without hesitation.

    "You found it that quickly?" Riku asks impressed.

    "It's easy when you're digital." Vin admits sheepishly.

    "Yeah, before he only used to be able to crash an entire system in just six seconds.
    Now he can do it in half the time." Jak jokes around a bit
    about Vin's former and curent computer abilities.

    "Think it was the pirate ship?" Riku asks seriously.

    "Dunno, but it's a good as shot as any." Jak admits, not sure himself.

    (Author note: Thanks to Unsaintly Saint for keeping this Fanfic up for awhile longer!

    And typos? I se no typos. Right now, I'm going through Writer's block, for the first time evah, to think of how everybody meets Nathan Drake and how everything happens. The next chapter will probably be up today(04-29) but I'm not sure yet)
  2. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
    very nice dude, there were some typo's but those were just minor like seh for she XP but yeah... good job i liked it XP
  3. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Chapter 5

    "We're now looking at the coffin of Sir Francis Drake, who was buried at sea, after his defeat from the Spannish Navvy." A female voice records into a video camera, focusing the camera of a large lead coffin now taking up the deck of a small motor boat.

    Just then, a crowbar busts into the side, breaking the seal open.

    Elena Fisher, a female reporter on a story based on a theory of Drake's unknown descendent, Nathan Drake, turns off the video camera and looks at Nate oddly.
    "Umm, are you sure you should be doing that?"

    "Not sure, but I know one thing.." Replies Drake, straining to get the coffin open.

    "But isn't that defiling your ancestors grave?" Elena asks, but then turns skeptical.
    "If you are really the heir to the real Sira Francis, that is."

    "We're related alright, and another things for certain." Nate notes, the coffin lid almost removed.

    "Oh, really what's that?" Elana asks, still skeptic.

    But the coffin lid falling to the ground, revealing only a diary in the coffin, answers her first.
    "Like for instance, you can't defile an empty grave." Nate says with triumph,
    in a wet-suit, same as Elena,
    dark haired and having that every-guy charm.

    " god.." Elena says breathlessly, as Nate picks up the diary.

    But while he's looking through it, a bullet flies just over the diary cover, alerting both Nate and Elena.
    however, Elena looks a little more confused than Nate.

    "What was that?!" She asks in shock.

    "Umm...Pirates." Nate says with a shrug.

    "Pirates?" Elena asks in disbelief.

    "The modern kind, they don't take prisoner. Well, male prisoners anyway." Nate answers, looking
    through a briefcase for something.

    "Shouldn't we call the local guard or something??" Elena asks a little flustered.

    "We could, but, technically...we don't have a permit to be here."


    "And unless you want to spend a night in a Panamanian(Sp) jail, I suggest we ake them on our own."
    "Know how to use one of these." Nate adds abruptly, handing Elena small hand gun.

    "Sure, just like a camera: aim and shoot right?" Elena says a little sarcastically, fumbling the
    firing arm in her hands.

    "Smart girl."

    The emptiness off space had been reached, now lay below, was an entire world,
    mysterious and keeping the air silent within the Enviro space craft,
    for about 5 seconds.

    "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOWWW!" Comes a shrill, annoying yell from Daxter,
    the duct tape being removed from his face.

    "Dax, just shut it, or we'll leave you here." Jak says, annoyed,
    holding the duct tape piece.

    The Ottsels remaining bonds kept him from getting up still.
    "Fine!" Daxter says, trying to wriggle free.

    "Fine!" Jak retorts, fully annoyed, leaving Daxter in the seat.

    "Come on guys let's go." Jak says huffy, motioning towards the
    teleporters that would take them down.

    Riku and Sora turned there back on Daxter, leaving the Ottsel to himself for a moment, until-

    A release of loud gases emmited from behind Jak, Sora and Riku, causing a stir for a moment.

    "Gee, I wonder how bad this place'll stink if you guys leave me here and I do this, more."
    Daxter says innocently, expelling on cue, even louder and wetter sounding.

    "Ok! You can come!" Sora gives in, holding his nose.

    "Vin, can you get the duct tape off?" Jak asks into the small gold disc clipped to his side,
    also holding his nose.

    Since Vin also could smell the foul odor coming from the Ottsel, through a sensory intake,
    and also because he had no fingers to hold his nose, he obliged instantly, somehow making the
    remaining duct tape flop to the ground painlessly.

    "Much better." Daxter sighs as he waltzes right by everyone.

    Then, after everybody entered a teleporter, still clogging their noses, they all left in a flash of green light, leaving the craft completely empty.

  4. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Awesome. Good humor, by the way. xP
  5. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Chapter 6


    The telporters that took Sora, Riku, Jak, and said rodent, Daxter, only took them as far below the atmosphere. The rest of the landing as up to them!

    It took Daxter only a moment to catch his breath and then begin screaming again.

    Everyone else, Sora, Riku, and Jak, were a little more calm, but extremly annoyed for an obvious reason.

    Daxter began screaming agaiin, after he caught his breath, but was quickly cut short by landing into the hull of a metal cargo boat.

    On that Cargo boat, pirates were attacking two people in wetsuits, which gave Sora enough reason to nod over to Riku, who nodded back knowingly.

    The both of them flexed themselves in the air to head for a straight dive at the floor of the ship below,
    acting ont the last second the flip around, and land softly on their feet, keyblades drawn.

    While the others were blasting their guns away, Sora and Riku were making themselves busy hacking away at some of the pirates the unfamiliar people in wetsuits were missing.

    It took only seconds for the thunderous sound of a airplane engine to reach the ears of all onboard the small vessel, and the one person in a wetsuit, a male with an every-guy appearance and black, wavy hair, to cry out something Sora and Riku heard as "Alright Sully!"

    Sora looked up towards the sky, and, indeed, a red and white Aircraft was flying towards them and curving around, but what Sora saw next shocked him a bit.

    Jak was standing ontop of the moving aircraft!

    Standing feet planted onto the metal as if he were standing on a skateboard, Jak held his ground on the plane top long enough for it land in the water.

    Meanwhile, the vessel was taking heavy fire from the pirate motorboats that kept running by the party.
    With the ship starting to catch fire, and the heavy fire growing ever closer, Everyone and all jumped over the edge of the boat, the other person in a wetsuit, a female with blonde hair and a slight figure, hastenly grabbing a video camera from a shelf that, shortly afterward, blew its top and also became engulfed in flames.

    With the boat almost completly in ruin, Sora, Riku, and the two stranger all leaped into the water,
    just as the entire ship became entirely engulfed in flames.
    No doubt, it would only take mere moments to blow up from the inside, which is why the attacking pirates had fled, and everyone else was quickly swimming toawrds the sea-duck aircraft.

    As they all neared, a middle-aged man, holding a smoking cigar in his mouth, opened a door from the inside of the craft, and lowered a small ladder into the water.

    The man in the wet suit chuckled a bit, sounding only a little nervous.
    "So sorry about that, I hope you're alright."
    He joked behind him, refering to the female, who was holding the camera she had saved above the water.

    The female chuckled back as the male was heaving himself into the craft.
    "Nothing a few years of therapy can't fix."
    She joked back.

    The middle-aged man, hair thick and not so much receding, only mostly greyish in the temples, sporting a hawaiin T-shirt and brown trousers, looked over into the water at Sora and Riku, breast-stroking towards the craft themselves.
    "Who're they?"
    He asked gruffly, talking past the cigar in his mouth.

    The male in the wetsuit looked back curiously, taking his head out of a towel he was
    using to dry himself off with.
    "Dunno, but we owe 'em a favor for saving our butts back there."
    He noted thoughtfully, rubbing some more water of of his hair with the towel.

    The middle-aged man turned from the male in the wetsuit, to Sora and Riku, with Sora now begining to heave himself into the craft, and Riku just behind him.
    He just shrugged and "bah"ed, and went into the cokpit, taking his cigar out of his mouth as he walked.

    After Sora got in, Riku shortly followed, and the two faced the other two.

    The male in the wetsuit was first to talk, offering out his hand to Sora for a greeting.
    "Name is Nathan Drake, treasure hunter expert, but you can call me Nate."
    Nate began, Sora taking the hand that was offered, with a shaking of hands following.

    Nate then pointed to the female in a wetsuit, who was smiling and waving in a nervous manner,
    the smile obviously forced.
    "That's Elana Fisher, a reporter."
    Nate added curtly, sort of shrugging after saying "reporter".

    Elana simply rolled her eyes at the short introduction.

    And then Nate pointed his thumb over his shoulder at the cockpit where the middle-aged man had retired to.
    "And the old gezer is Vincent "Sully" Sullivan."
    He said with a harty laugh.

    Being not so far away in distance, and years, Sully just retorted with a sarcastic.
    "Har Har."
    Stretching out his words.

    At that same instance, a familiar elf-eared face poped up from above the doorway,
    hagning upside down and facing everyone inside.
    "Have any of you seen Daxter?"
    He asked concerned.

    Everyone shrugged, but they were quickly caught off guard when a deep rumble affected the waters below them.

    The vessel had finally blown up, and metal debris and machienary was flying everywhere.

    Sounds of metal dinging the hull of the aircraft, small follow-up explosions, and a more notable sound rang through the air.
    The notable sound being Daxter who was rocketed into the air from the blast,
    his small body heading fastly for the aircraft doorway head first.

    Before Daxter landed inside, Jak leaped himself in and put himslef into Daxter projectory,
    just landing in time for Daxter to be saved from a real big headache.

    But from standing on his feet, and how fast Daxter was going, Jak lost his balance and feel backfirst onto a desk, Daxter under him.
    Daxter quickly burst out from between jak's back and the desk surface, only half way out and slowly tapping his fingers across the table surface, his other hand supporting his slumped head, showing annoyance.

    Caught off guard, but entertained, everyone but Sully, Jak, and Daxter broke out into laughter.
  6. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    Oh cool, my two favorite video-games combined!!! *high-fives*