" One melon, kiwi , strawberry, banana, pineapple, extreme tropical splash sundae sorbet, configured into and fruit shake please.And for her a jumbo chocolate sundae with grilled chocolate chunks melted with love and banana chucks mushed to baby eating level and vanilla and chocolate icecream with nuts."A lady said as Sora rushed over to her. His pen scribble on his paper and he was covered in chocolate. A baby was sitting as he wrote down her order. It started to gag. It spit green chunky stuff all over his shrit and the lady stood. up . " Oh you can not serve me in that!Clean it I don't want baby germs!" He ran and cleaned off his shirt. " She's long winded isn't she?" He mumbled. He ran back to the table with their orders. He watched them eat. The lady drank her One melon, kiwi , strawberry, banana, pineapple, extreme tropical splash sundae sorbet, configured into and fruit shake in three gulps. And then she ate the baby's icecream because he was sick. The lady tipped him a dollar then left after depanding for a hotel service!? 'America my new home is full of whacks isn't it?' He thought then he turned and left. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I got this idea from a fat lady ordering icecream at cold stone icecream. I just added Sora and waitors!
Uh.... Interesting... XD; You might wanna have a new paragraph as soon as someone new starts talking, though, m'kay...? ^-^