I made this for a friend(well the one he got had text) And I thought you should see it to (: This is the versionj without text. (Btw I'll be putting up my drawings this week to.) Here it is: Sora & Kairi
Finally! You'll be putting up drawings! Took you damn long enough woman! Hey, that little graphic's not bad at all! For someone who's still learning how to you Photoshop anyway XD It's a little monotonous, but simple and clean n_n (Why don't you mix up a bit of color in it? (; ) Keep it up Elfy! Juuuuust keep practising and practising!
Yeah I will , the net will probablt be up tomorrow on the new one ;D. You think ^^ Well I have been using it a little, I have mostly been using Jasc before so I am not used to photoshop. Thanks for CnC. I had to make it fast because my friend needed it fast , but yeah I can try the coulour mixing a little coulours in. I will, when I am not drawing or working!.. Thank you!<3
Hey well can't wait (: Just keep using it more! Ah, Jasc Paint Shop Pro...I don't like that program much, it pisses me off. And no problem btw! Well if ever you revamp it, just stick it up here for us to have a look, yeah?
Well thank you n_n Thank you to , I am glad you like it (: Me nither(: Hehe I will, Yeah it's pretty lame+ before it always just shut down it self , really annoying.But it have stopped with that (; Yeah , sure I will . I need Cnc ^^
Than you (: You think the colours are nice , that's good. I was starting to feel they was a little,well not fitting. But glad you like it. Thank you (: Thank you , I had to make it simple because my friend needed it like really fast xD And I thought the style would be nice (: Thank you ;D