good news indeed. while i think piracy is a problem, i don't think SOPA bill was the right way to resolve the problem.
As much as I believe piracy is a bad thing I also believe SOPA is not the right thing to do. I heard they are even thinking of have in internet region blocked that means I wont be able to go to Japanese websites (I go to A LOT of them).
Just an FYI to the people saying that piracy is bad, but SOPA is wrong - You obviously don't know this bill very well. Considering the majority of torrent sites are located outside of the US borders, and has very high security; it would be close to impossible to make anything different from what it is now, piracy-wise. What SOPA has an actual impact on, is sites like YouTube, media sites and you on a personal level. You won't be able to share any material that is not 100% original content. Piracy won't be affected at all.
From the looks of it, the deliberations have been delayed for a nondescript period of time. The provision that has been made is a big one, I'd wager, not just for us but for them. Yeah, which is ridiculous because it contradicts fair use and restricts freedom of expression. Not that Youtube would go down (or, likely, be forced to change their policies--They already have tons of fair use contests with the average users as-is), when they could likely buy their way out of it.
I'm with Luxord on this one. This is good news, makes me happy. This deal has had me worried for a while. But what about PIPA?
Hope this bill gets killed. As for PIPA, I didn't hear too much about it. I'm hoping it isn't bad like SOPA.
It's similar, but not exactly the same. It will probably be shelved as well, after all the blackouts which will occur the 18th.
this post makes me scratch my head because.... which i knew already which is why i think it's wrong. which makes me wonder what gave you the idea that we don't know about it?
Because of this. You said even though you are against piracy, you are against SOPA. SOPA does more or less nothing about Piracy. Having Piracy in the name was just to make people think it is against piracy.
This is very good news! I believe SOPA was very, very strict. Definitely not a good way to go about piracy.