I'm bored! Would anyone like to have an "intellectual debat" about... something with an idiot (me)? :D
What is your standing on the new and exciting theories that have emerged concerning the origins of the Sphinx? Startling new evidence suggests it was actually built during the last Ice Age and may contain a message to the modern world that will only be revealed when the Earth, Sun and other planets are in a certain alignment with the other stars in the galaxy. Unfortunatley the moment when this was estimated to happen has already passed, roughly 1500 years ago. The next one isn't due for tens of thousands of years. Your thoughts, please.
No it's not! Ghosts don't exist... but unicorns doo!! We should make a movie unicornbusters III. a Sphinx is a mythical creature... from harry potter 4!! Mwwahahahahaah I love harry potter hitler was bed. Stars blow up when they get too old... ahhhhh... YES YOU DO!!! They're in yourmind and if you think really hard they fall out o your brain and you say them outlound!! I know because i thought once... and that happened.
Yes, a Sphinx is a mythical creature. Sadly, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is not a very good example of Ancient Mythology. By 'Sphinx' I was refering to the large stone monument in Egypt, so named because it looks like the Mythological creature. I just lost faith in humanity.
Ahahahahaah I know I know!! But I'm being an idiot.. because it's funner than being smart sometimes. But I really DO love Harry Potterr. ALOt
Unless you're calling attention to the typo, they're actually birds of a feather. What you're thinking of is "argument."
Hey love <3 I've been meaning to reply to you for ages D: but I keep forgetting, I'm sorry I fail hard at being the big sis >.< I'm going to bed, but here are some topics for your debate :b Unicorns are a symbol of innocence and purity, is this all just a trick so they can secretly attack us and take over the world? I think so, look at them with their horns, hello, they are born with a freakin' weapon. If we all see colours differently, does that mean that YOUR blue is what I see as MY yellow? omnomnom Ok going to sleep @_@ p.s back away from the superglue :b