Ok, so Sonic has been here since 1999 right? Well I think Sgea should remake the games. Favorite Characters? Favorite Zones? Favorite Eggman Robots? FAvorite Game? My Favorite Characters are Sonic, Knuckles, and SHadow My favorite Zones are Mushroom Hill, The Doomsday, Westopolis, and the Devil Doom boss fight (from Shadow the Hedgehog). My favorite Eggman Robot is the one from the Doomsday Zone. My favorite Games are Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Shadow the Hedgehog, and Sonic Generations. How about you guys?
My favorite characters are Sonic and shadow. Favorite zones is: I have no frikkin idea! Favorite eggman robot is: None o-o And favorite games are Sonic Adventure 2 and Shadow the Hedgehog.
Sonic's been around since 1991. Favourite characters are Shadow and Omega. Because they're darker and edgier than the rest of the cast. Favourite zone I have to say is actually Chemical Plant Zone from Sonic 2. Most people hate it, but I have fond memories, even though the boss was kinda lame. Doomsday Zone was awesome too, as was that one snowy place in Sonic 06. Favourite Eggman Robot has got to be the E-series. E102 and E123 stand out most since they were playable. Favourite game is definitely Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. Because Shadow's story was actually really interesting.
Actually he's been around since 1991, but who's counting? Favorite Characters: Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow, Silver, Eggman Favorite Zones: Green Hill, Ice Cap, Radical Highway, Kingdom Valley Favorite Eggman Robots: Egg Pawn, Motobug, Egg Dragoon Favorite Game: Tie between Sonic Adventure 2 and Generations EDIT: Damn, ninja'd.
My favorite villain is Robotnik. He always used to show up at the worst times! My favorite character is Miles. Sure Miles isn't a main character but he can swim and fly two things Sonic can't do. Sure he can't kill a lot of enemies, and sure he would kill you back in the day, but it's always nice to have a flying helper when he's not abandoning you to die. My favorite zone is the Green Hill Zone. Why? Because it's so easy! My hated zone? The carnival.
I think they have remade Sonic 1, it's called sonic generations. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tV1Osnkr5Nc But yeah I only ever played Sonic 1 & 2 back on the ol' megadrive, and we used to get Sonic the Comic XD I remember searching in vain for Sonic 3 and Knuckles in all the game shops around but with no success D': I think my favourite character was Tails, I just loved him. Favourite zone was Casino Night zone. I think I wasted hours on those slot machines... And I loved going supersonic in S2 so I think that has to be the one I pick :)
My Favorite Character is Knuckles for sure, I've always liked his powers, and he's always been the game's badass. My favorite Zone is... uh, crap I don't remember what it's called. The musical one from Sonic Advanced 2 was great, and I like Green Hill in all of them. My favorite Eggman Robot is the one from... God it's been so long. Always the ones in the first level of every game, simply because they were the easiest to defeat. Always. My favorite Games are Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, and Knuckles Chaotix
Sonic Generations is not a remake of the original Sonic. All of the levels in it are remakes of levels from previous Sonic games, the original included.
Favorite characters are Shadow, Shadow, and Shadow. I kinda like Shadow, too. Can we include Archie Comics characters? If so I also like Sally Acorn. Favorite zones... Hm. I liked most of the Sonic 3 and S&K zones, they felt more creative and expansive than previous games in the series. Out of those, Hydrocity, Marble Garden (S3) and Mushroom Hill (S&K) are probs my favorites, as they're the most iconic in the series for me. From the later games, I like Space Gadget and all of Shadow's stages (SA2); Space Gadget because I eventually realized I'd invested a lot of time into it and had more fun with it than any other stage, and Shadow's stages because durr hoof Shadow. My favorite of Eggman's incarnations are the Egg Viper (SA) and the Egg Frog (Sonic Advance 2). The first because it was a monumental fight and one of my fondest memories, and the second because the music is intense and the fight itself is a blast with the shifting gravity. Favorite game is SA2, hands-down. Guess why. Ok well that wasn't completely why. But I don't get the people who say Sonic doesn't work in 3D; they must have missed out on Sonic Adventure 2, because it worked perfectly there.
Not to be rude, but I thought Shadow the Hedgehog was absolutely terrible. I was under the impression that just about everyone hated it as well.
The reason I like it is because it focuses on a much darker story that the other games do. I can't stand Sonic's "We can do anything" attitude from Sonic Heroes onward so I prefer the Classic Games, Sonic unleashed and Shadow the Hedgehog.
sonic the hedgehog has actually been around since 1991! As for my favorite character, stages, Ect. i can't single out any of em, i like them all equally, equality is what makes the world remain in peace and harmony, disrupt that balance and complete chaos breaks through i will say though that i like shadow the hedgehog, slightely me than sonic adventure 2 battle, by 1%
Sonic the hedgehog games are awesome, i enjoy most of them. Gotta say though, my favourite of them would have to be Shadow the Hedgehog. I mean, alot of people do hate it and all, but i liked how it explored Shadow's personality and "past" and things like that. Also got a kick out of the multiplayer mode. I loved how you could do co-op story mode with a 2nd controller too. THAT made it awesome too :)
My favorite Sonic games were SA2, Shadow The Hedgehog, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic 06, and Sonic Generations, oh and Sonic Riders I thought it was fun. But the one thing I will always love about Sonic is the soundtrack oh my god the soundtrack, the music in every one of them was just amazing especially the ones in Sonic 06 and SA2.