Sonic Passion

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Kaihedgie, Apr 21, 2008.

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  1. Kaihedgie Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 20, 2008
    've only occasionally heard of this site and I've heard it was the ultimate of video game drama for fans.

    Sonic Passion was the very first site on the internet devoted to sexual interest in video game characters, namely the ones in Sonic the Hedgehog (hence the name) and introduced the fetish known as Robophilia. The site opened up in late 2004

    The site was created mostly for fanboys and fangirls who had grown a little TOO attached to their favorite characters to the point of sheer insanity. They are under the delusion that they are truly engaged to these Sonic characters, primarily the male ones, probably due to the fact that they wear only gloves and shoes. XD But it doesn't stop there, they even believe to have married said characters for real. And if that doesn't hit ya, then maybe the fact that they are even willing to actually EAT their waste and vomit just to confirm their love, which makes it look like fangirls are just plain normal in comparison. Yeah, it's THAT bad. Two people actually wrote a love proposal to Shadow (with someone of the nerve to add -kun). I mean, I lurv slime girls lot X3, but these guys are just plain brain-destroyin' in comparison. I think there was also a member of the site who filled out the birth information for her newborn son, writin' down the baby's name as YujiNaka. DX

    I implore ye to stay away from this (now defunct) site, unless yer curious enough to sacrifice some brain cells just to see how...horrifyin' it is. XD
  2. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    This sounds about as sad as the people who are convinced that Pokemon are real.
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