"Son, have you seen the world? Well what would you say if I said that you could?"

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Boy Wonder, May 6, 2009.

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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    So I'm listening to Hero of War by Rise Against and I wanted to know people's opinions on...well, people's opinions of soldiers.

    Do you think soldiers are getting a bad rep for doing what they do?

    Do you think soldiers are getting too much credit for doing what they do?

    For example, someone sees soldiers as good honest heroes risking their lives fighting for our freedom. Other people see them as murderers to the citizens of other countries? To me, it seems that no one wants to see soldiers as both.
  2. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    I think that soldiers get far less credit then they deserve. I mean, they put their lives in danger on a daily basis to defend a country that doesn't even have the decency to welcome them home. Think about it - a soldier is fighting in Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, and when they come home, what do they get? An award? A parade? NO. They get boo'd! They get shouted at! They are ostracized by their own fucking family!

    I have ALWAYS been taught one simple lesson - freedom's never free, but it seems like the American public is too full of pussies to see a war through to the end anymore. And the liberal media doesn't help, either. All they can do is report our bodycounts. How about reporting the facts, such as the fact that in Vietnam, in every single battle, we killed more of them than they managed to kill of us. we won every battle in Vietnam, yet the American public insisted we were losing and had to withdraw. As I said, pussies. The same story is playing out in Iraq nad Aghanistan. We are winning every battle! Yet, because of the pussies in the government and the press, we are being ulled out into another loss. Disgraceful.

    So yes, I respect the military more than I respect anyone else in this wretched country. No one else here is worthy of my respect.
  3. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    How about you sign up and go and ****ing fight then? It is very easy to sit there and judge when really you aren't in any position to.

    I have a lot of respect for the army, mainly because my cousin has done two tours in Iraq and has been in the armed forces for over 10 years. I have a massive amount of respect for anyone that goes out on the front line for their country, but THIS war, damn it has gone on way too long and the people that are dying never needed to die.

    I respect the military, what I do not respect is the waste of human life for nothing more than propaganda. So if you feel so strongly then how about you go get enlisted and you go and put YOUR life out there on the front line.

    I for one just want our boys back home now.
  4. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    I wanted to go fight, but they won't take me because I'm on meds. I've just seen WAY too much of the backwards liberal media being pussies every time a single soldier dies. People die in wars. It's going to happen. The media just needs to get over it. I mean, even if the original premise for the Iraq invasion doesn't hold (and I'm still not convinced of that), Saddam Hussein was still a horrible, violent, possibly clinically insane man who terrorized his own people just for kicks. They're better off without him, but until they can defend themselves, we need to stay there and help. We started this, and now WE need to finish it. And if we don't stay in Afghanistan, what's left of the Taliban will just walk in and take over, or someone worse will. Until these countries are stabilized, we still have a job to do.
  5. Sorcerer_Jenkins Twilight Town Denizen

    sometimes teh soldiers aren't getting the right credit, like that photo of a marine using his gun wrong. but u kno what, they go through so much **** in a day. u wouldn't imagine.
  6. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    All soldiers deserve some credit when they're putting their lives on the line for the good of mankind, but some are abusing their position to try to make themselves look cool, pretty much giving bullies a license to kill. It sickens me to hear of cases of military brutality toward innocent citizens. Still, without soldiers to fight for any wars, America and many another country would probably be nothing like what it is nowadays (for better or worse) because nobody took a stand against restriction of freedom of self-expression, which is what makes a country what it is.

    In the end, a hero can be described one who takes a stand against what they know to be wrong, usually with seemingly dismal possible outcomes, but thanks to a bunch of idiots who think they're above whomever they're supposed to be protecting, the military has lost much of its deserved respect. Still, it'd be best to show some, even if not deserved.

    Oh yeah, blatant self-promotion FTW
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