Something simple I made playing around with doing pics as a background. Did some c4ds as a layer for lighting, did some lighting , and did a brush effect for a added layer. Nothing special, but I like it. CnC for me please, and thank you!
This is nice, I like it. The only thing I find a little weird is that since its anime, it looks out of place...but at the same time, the background makes it pop out more, I guess. Good job
The city pic is actually from the anime. It's when there looking at the city from the roof of the school.
Oh it sure looks interesting. I do not know the anime or the like used to do that sig, but I did like it. The background is good, the storms and lighting add it an... "adventure" feeling to the Graphic Art. The tex ("HOTD") is placed in the right place, it couldn't be in the right because of the two woman, it could be both top-left and under-left. If it was placed in top (this is in my opinion) I think it would have highlighted the city with the storms; and if it was placed in the under-left, it would have highlighted the storm in the city. Catch my way of thinking? Also, the two woman, apparently ready to fight, have a good position looking at the city like that. A good job indeed.