Something is going on in my new house.

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Two Become One, May 22, 2012.

  1. Two Become One Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 15, 2012
    So i moved into this new house about a month ago. But strange things have been happening here. for one, i saw both of my cats playing down stairs, and when i went up stairs, i saw a cat walk by. without thinking, i just naturally went "hi kitty" then about a minute later im like"wait.... BOTH of them are did i see? (this was in broad daylight btw, there was no dark corners or anything.) I have also seen people walk by in the hallways when everyone is asleep. and just recently, i saw a white wisp of what almost looked like fog, rise out of my mattress, and through the roof. you may be thinking "oh, its just dust" but how can dust go through a moving fanblade? and one last thing, i swear i have seen shadow people here. they are like ghosts, but different in activity. they look like a silhouette, or could be cloaked like a grim reaper (terrible example, but whatever lol) and sometimes have piercing red eyes. they feed off of fear, but as far as i know, no one in my house is scared of them, and im just fine with any spirits in my house. and shadow ppl.

  2. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    To Help with Life.

    I would say approach your family about it--have they noticed anything odd?
  3. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    You're delusional. Everyone knows ghosties and things that go bump in the night don't exist.

    Naw, I'm just shitting you. Your house is haunted, bro.

    Time to call in the Ghostbusters.

    On a more serious note, has anyone else noticed anything?
  4. Two Become One Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 15, 2012
    yes some of my family have noticed things, but as far as i know they dont fear it. and my brothers dont even believe they exist lol. and if i told my parents about shadow people, they wouldnt believe me. its just the way they are.
  5. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    I wouldn't either. Most people don't believe it until they see it, and even then, it's a hard thing to swallow.

    I recommend what pretty much anyone else would do - try to catch it on video or something, you might get lucky.
  6. Two Become One Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 15, 2012
    well, i dont have a video camera, but i DO have a dsi and a booklight. photos maybe? my mom's 3ds has a video camera, it only records for 10 seconds but at least it's something.
  7. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    Maybe it's not real and it's all in you head... Gotta think about it rationally.
  8. Two Become One Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 15, 2012
    its not in my head. i know it. im not in ay way scared though. in fact i find them interesting. i gtg but ill post more about this tomorrow
  9. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City
    I agree with what the others have mentioned, talk to you family about it. And since you mentioned they might not believe you, prop yourself with evidence. Video taping and other footage helps a lot, but if you're too scared to do that (I would be) then try simply researching about your home. I've seen this done before, I'm sure there is something about your new home somewhere in the internet or even try speaking to the people who you've bought the home from.

    With my experience with the supernatural (most of the vacation homes we stay in are haunted, you see) is that if they don't mind you being around and they don't have the intention of hurting you - then you have nothing to worry about. I, myself, am scared silly by horror and things that relate to ghosts, demons and spirits but there isn't much to fear if they aren't a disturbance and hurting you physically or mentally. However, if they do happen to become a disturbance, try and do something about it. Hopefully, your family realizes your concern to what's happening and they can help. Maybe they can get those people who can see them and interact with them.

    I hope your troubles go away and everything gets settled in your new home c:
  10. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    There has never been any scientific evidence supporting the existence of paranormal entities or whatever. Ghosts and such don't exist. There has to be some cause to what you're seeing. It's easy to jump to the conclusion that they are paranormal because you do not see or recognize the cause of what you're seeing and everyone's first reaction is that "oh god, it's ghosts." Just try to figure out what factors could be contributing to it.
  11. Two Become One Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 15, 2012
    you know, i DID hear something about EMFs (electro magnetic fields) causing hallucinations and such. maybe i should check for things with high EMFs

    ok, so i'm done with checking for everything, and the only things i can see that would be causing it is the electronics in my room. but why didn't they start this up BEFORE if they were the cause? i think this weekend im going to have both my dsi camera, and the 3ds camera ready so if anything happens ll have proof.
  12. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    I would say that if they're not particularly bothering you, and they aren't acting aggressive or anything, you have no real reason to panic of otherwise do much of anything. Sometimes places just have spirits and the like in them. It's not really anything that needs anything doing about it.
    If you do feel the need to act on it, then go ahead and try to record it in video form. Photos are less reliable, because a small thing can be written off as an edit, or a momentary quirk in the technology. Videos are harder to refuse as evidence, I believe.

    There has been no evidence that God exists, and yet people still believe. An absence of evidence that something exists is not evidence of something not existing.
  13. Two Become One Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 15, 2012
    i will try to get it in video form if i see anything. the 3ds camera only records up to 10 seconds at a time though.
    also,the "shadow people" are more aggressive than ghosts are. but im not very afraid of them, because they dont appear very often. they feed off of fear though, so SOMEONE in my house has a fear of something here. also, would voice recordings also be good evidence? i know those can be faked easier than anything, but it would probably be good to have just in case.
  14. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    How do you know the 'shadow people' feed off of fear? Just curious, is all.
    In my experience, voice recordings tend to fall flat. If you can get a clear one, sure, but it would have to be very clear, which spirits don't have a habit of being. Most of the voices people hear tend to be the brain trying to interpret the sound it's hearing, whereas technology usually picks up white noise at best. Still could be worth trying, however.
  15. Two Become One Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 15, 2012
    well i have done a bit of research about shadow people. i dont know if its true, but everything i have read says they seem to feed and/or manifest off fear. and after my encounter with the most well known shadow person, hat man, i wouldnt doubt it's true, because at the time, i was afraid of shadow people because i didn't know what they were. if you want, i can also post what happened with my encounter with hat man.
  16. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Perhaps try asking your neighbors about it? See if the previous residents mentioned anything about that. There is obviously lots of contention regarding the whole do ghosts exist thing and, not calling you a liar or anything, it would be helpful to know that more people are experiencing this than just you.
  17. Yozora Archer

    Feb 14, 2007
    female king arthur
    with taiga, eating rice and ****
    ......Have you ever had an experience? Because I sure as hell have, and there is **** out there.

    But anyway, as long as they don't harm you, you should be fine, but I wouldn't try to make contact.

    What I would do is try to live with it, and if things get out of hand, I would try and do something about it.
    And as for that capturing ghosts on camera lol. Just forget about it.
  18. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    There is no scientific way to measure paranormal activity and to prove it's existence. But you just gave a keyword: Believe. Those people don't know God exists. They believe he exists. And they admit it all the time. If there is no evidence for something, true, it doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't exist. But would you believe me if I said lamps have organs instead of wires inside? No. Because there is proof against the possibility of lamps having organs, which is the fact that they have wires. But this is not the place for a theological debate. So, let's relate this back to ghosts (even though this argument could just as easily relate to belief in a god). If there is no evidence other than people experiencing them, that is not enough. It isn't. If you could actually measure a spirit's existence in a scientifically sound way using the scientific method and repeating those experiments until you want to cry, then there you have it.
  19. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Wherein Nova Plays Devil's Advocate to Both Sides (And Doesn't Actually Answer Any Questions)

    If you don't trust your head, how do you know you know anything?

    Yeah? And how many primary sources have you read, pal?
  20. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    That is incorrect. What we have are unexplained occurrences. Some people take the following position on these instances.

    "We cannot explain this, therefore it was ghosts."​

    However, that is a direct contradiction. This is what they are saying:

    "We cannot explain this, therefore I can explain it."​

    There are many unexplained occurrences in this world, but they remain unexplained and unexplained only. Skepticism of any untestable hypotheses about them should be the natural tendency.