Just smething i've started on i haven't put the mouth in yet and i haven't gotten to tone but i will sooner or later XD sorry about the blue tinge scanner issues:sideways:
wow! thats really cool...i wich i could draw like that! i just wanna know what the trail track lines are that go past the eyes...
That's very nice! I don't see very oval face structures that often, your drawing reminds me of one of the characters from W.I.T.C.H since the head is similliar. :3 The forehead kinda goes inwards instead of outwards, that must be the reason. You obviously know that the hair will bend once it goes out of the scalp, but don't forget to add those lines for the part where the hair covers her face. Those are guidelines - they help to keep things where they're supposed to be, they act like bendable rulers.
Not bad! The only things I can see are perhpas bringing the left side of her hair away from her neck more, and erasing the guidelines once you're finished. There's a part of her hair near the face that kind of looks like it's in her mouth, so maybe make that part of the hair shorter. Keep working on it =]
Thanks for the tips. I've actually started again because in my opinion that one PHAILED the new one i've started is better i'll post it when i'm done