Someone Save Us...

Discussion in 'Archives' started by ~The Rising Falcon, Dec 18, 2008.

  1. ~The Rising Falcon Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 18, 2008
    this is a story i started just tonight.
    it began on myspace, but i like it so much.
    i thought i would come and share it with my friends here on kh-vids.
    i'm sorry the punctuation isn't right. i just felt it'd be easier to write like this.
    but without further a due,
    "Somebody Save Us..."
    (anyone with a nicer title, msg me)

    i was born in a small town. but this wasn't just any small town. this town what different. at night, things would come alive. different seemed like we were being invaded by objects i cannot describe. i don't know if they knew we knew they existed, but they would roam our streets. not hurting anyone, just roaming. the people weren't scared. but no one dared to confront them. many of the townspeople moved. and what was left would bunk together at each others houses to keep safe. but not i. no. i stayed in my own house. ready and alert for when this menace would finally lose it, and learn or our existence and rampage the town. i was ready. everynight...i became nocturnal, sleeping in the day, to stay up all night and be alert. i gained an adapt sense of the darkness and where everything was in my home. i never dared turn on the lights. it was too much of a risk to take. so i'm sitting here writing you the tales of the beasts that will eventually attack our town. i am talos, and this is my story.

    as sat out the window watching these things go back and forth through the town. i noticed that they had bright blue eyes. like an LED type of thing. almost as if they were scanning the surfaces of the town. they didn't look like robots, but they sure acted like it. they looked more like giants, but not. ugh...i can't exactly explain. all i know, is they seem harmless to us. but none of us know that. no one dare bothers going outside. once, a wild deer ran through, and it was killed, no! destroyed an explosion in the sky, these monsters killed a wild deer in a flash. and i was a witness. i sat by the window, awestruck as my eyes gazed at the figures outside my window. moving back and forth, slowly. as if they didn't want to miss a single inch. there were five of them.
    well, there was five...two of them jetted off into the sky. in opposite directions. that was about a week ago. and still these three have yet to leave. just as no one has left their night, they are al scared of these creatures, but by day, they act like nothing is wrong. i'm glad i sleep during the day. these people have no sense of reality. out by day, in by night. that's their routine. for almost a month this has been going on. i've gotten used to it. but i'm not sure many of the people grasp the situation. we need a hero in this town. and if nobody is going o step up to this menace, i guess i will have to. wait! someone has gone outside!