Ok, so I got a Wii and Legend of Zelda :Twilight Princess over the holidays (hooray!!), but now I need some help. Here's the situation: OK, I've been playing for a few days, and got pretty good from what I think. But now, I'm on the Lakebed Temple (aka, the Water Temple, center of hate in LoZ games). And now, I have no idea what to do. I don't wanna look at a strategy guide since I tend to go straight to the end and ruin the game for myself (it's a habit). And so, I was wondering, anybody got any tips? Or maybe just a strategy for the Water Temple itself? *sits a waits patiently* I know it's seems kinda vague, but I'm not exactly good at describing what I've done so far ^^;;
Hey I got the Wii and that game too! :) Anyway, I only just got out of the First Temple... I'll tell you if I find out though. ;)
Actually, the first thing you should have done is PM me, cuz I'm pretty much the Wii EXPERT on this forum. Second: Unfortunately, In am in the EXACT situation as you are. Third: Where tha hell were you?
Don't know exactly what your problem is, but I'm also on the water temple. The best general tip I have is "look up". ^^ (BTW, do you have the item you get in the temple yet? *doesn't want to say outright what it is in case someone complains*)
Indeed I do. (I first thought "Oh, is that what it's called?" 'cos I was just calling it the H***S***.) I take it you have it, then? What else have you done? (It's possible you're further than me, 'cos I haven't had a chance to play it for a couple of weeks (I know! Terrible!) so haven't gotten any further.)