I think Chev's "Singing talents" thread was disclosed, so, I'll have to share my talents elsehow. Keep up with frequent updates! Tell me what you think on each song I ever do when it comes up, and even judge on places where I screw up. Either here or on youtube.com, I don't care! JUST TELL ME SARGE, WHAT ARE THEY GONNA DO! Cuban Pete 1994 classic, The Mask, with Jim Carrey has Carrey at one point singing a show-stopping tune: Cuban Pete. Well, I tell yeh this, see? After a quick run-by of the film and about two cans of Diet Pepsi, I was able to do: Cuban Pete. So if you like the beat, just take thees link, and I'll teach you to chic chicky boom: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUiod0vRq0o What's this? From the Nightmare before Christmas, this is one of my favorite songs in anything! So, of course, I just had to do it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-L0fO0vRoo
lol i dont really know what so say. its fresh.....and i like it why would they close the singing talents, i noticed a while ago, but......i never asked....outrage!!!. back on track.....i like the way you sing.
Thanks. But mind if I ask you a question? WHAT SHOULD I SING NEXT?!?!0_o I've been trying out Jim Carey's renidition of "You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch", but that's gonna take alot more practice. I need something to buy me some time!