Video Some recent AMVs of mine~

Discussion in 'Production Studio' started by Fansara, Feb 24, 2009.

  1. Fansara Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 21, 2008
    Cloud Nine...
    Yes... :O So, I make AMVs. There are only two here, and both are birthday AMVs, but these are my most recent.

    - Waiting.
    YouTube: [ here ]
    KH-Vids: [ here ]
    Song: Waiting for the World to Fall --Jars of Clay
    Story: On YouTube.
    Dedication: My friend, Kitten.
    Comments: I learnt quite a lot while making this video. And I tried some things I'd never tried before. I thought it looked... pretty messy? I still quite like it. I've only been using Sony Vegas for real projects since December, so I'm trying hard to learn new skills. :]

    - She's just hurting you...
    YouTube: [ here ]
    KH-Vids: [ unavailable ]
    Song: So Contagious --Acceptance
    Story: On YouTube.
    Dedication: wickeddlovely.
    Comments: I've... never really listened to spectacularly good AMV-y story type music in my childhood, and I got this song idea from another AMV. I loved the song and took my own turn of it. :3 It's quite a short video, since I wanted to do my best on it and didn't want my motivation to waver nearer the end if it was a long song [rarely happens, but I didn't want to take any chances].
    I tried some new things out in this one; and I apologise for the small video screen resolution. I had a lot of trouble uploading this video, but I have fixed the problem now so future AMVs will be of a better size.

    And that's all. :]
    Notes: I've only been AMV making since May last year, and I've only been using Sony Vegas since December. Because of that my AMVs still have a lot of flaws in and I'm improving on them all the time! Please take that into account~
  2. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    NOTE:Comment only on the first video - don't have time to watch both.

    Your video was pretty sweet! You're better than I am at flow, lol. The one thing I noticed was, with the KH-Vids version, it's really squished, but I guess that's what the fullscreen on Youtube does (curse you, Youtube, for ruining a good thing!). Other than that, it looked pretty good, and the textures were pretty awesome. Do you use Vegas Pro or Movie Studio?
  3. Fansara Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 21, 2008
    Cloud Nine...
    Thank you. :]
    I use Vegas Pro 8.0, but like I said, I'm still learning on how to use it to its full potential.

    As for the squished issue, I've fixed that now. The screen resolution had messed up.
  4. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Ah. Pro is pretty fun (masking FTW), but it's also more complex. I am still learning all the intricacies (sp?) of Vegas 6 (it does have masking, but it's not called Pro), even after watching about 8 hours of tutorials and months of experience.