Some logs about/with me

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Makaze, Feb 19, 2011.

  1. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    I am Chris here.

    Samii: The interesting things I find in my email:

    You caught on rather fast.

    Why do you sound so impressed? Is my intelligence really that low?


    Well thanks. You really don't leave good impressions

    At least I am honest (with myself, if not others).

    No, you're pretty much brutal with everyone.​

    *laughs* Oh Chris *rolls eyes*

    Taylor: Chris "Smith?" That sounds like him . . .

    Samii: Yep. Him.

    Taylor: I still talk to him every now and then. I always forgot how . . . odd . . . he is.

    Samii: And rude and condescending and absolutely HORRIBLE to me.

    Taylor: He's never been that way to me, but I remember having to tell him to stop being rude to you once or twice.

    Samii: He's horrible to me.

    Taylor: Well, not anymore :D

    Samii: No :P

    Taylor: Hehe. Ah well, I enjoy talking to him now and then.

    Jordan: Meh, I like talking to him :P I actually have a much easier time talking to him than most people. And I would hardly call him horrible,

    Samii. :)

    Samii: Jordan, he's horrible. Beyond horrible. He used, manipulated, abused and maltreated me in a dozen different ways.

    Jordan: You do bad things, he does bad things, I do bad things... and different people have always suffered various amounts from it, and will continue to as long as we live. If he does something rotten, succeed where he fails. Rejecting him is the closed mindedness that you hate.

    Samii: No, its self-preservation.
    I don't see why EVERYONE stands up for him? Do you KNOW what he did to me?
    I mean, this comment (above) is the least of the horrific things he did to me. I did like him. He's (sort of..) intelligent and logical, but I mean, I can't let myself be continually in the presence of someone who just ABUSES me whenever I speak to him.

    Jordan: I would stand up for you, too ^^; And I understand if you don't want to talk to him if he's going to say bad things every time, I just don't like him as a person being called horrible...
    No, I don't know what sort of things have happened :( I know what sort of things he's said to others (and me!) though, so I can sorta guess... I'm sorry for whatever he's said.
    Lol, he is intelligent... albeit a bit misled :/

    Samii: He is horrible. He is a horrible, cold-spirited, closed-minded, narrow-minded, abusive, manipulative, power-hungry individual. At least from what I see of him.

    You really can't guess. if you defend him you have NO IDEA the scope of his depravity.

    Jordan: One way of looking at it, but again, I think everyone has faults. His faults have hurt you, but that doesn't make him any more fallen than the rest of us :/

    *looks at your status * Heheh... I'm really not trying to get you to be friends with him >.> Not all people are ever going to get along. He can be wrong without you judging him, though.

    I'm really positive I can. If it's so important though, you can tell me, you know ^^; If you don't want to, fine, but the discussion becomes a bit... moot.

    Samii: My point is defending him to me is...pointless.

    Jordan: My point is that I shouldn't have to 'defend' him.
    But... ah well. I appreciate you both ^^

    Samii: That twisted soul needs it.

    Jordan: *eyeroll* :)

    Samii: Honestly

    Jordan: >.>​

    More to come later. Enjoy...
  2. Zter Banned

    Jan 19, 2011
    Cool story bro
  3. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Nice one, Makaze.
  4. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    The Taylor from earlier, long after the log posted above.

    [6:08:08 PM] Makaze: Welcome.
    [6:08:35 PM] Taylor Weller: Hi.
    [6:09:39 PM] Makaze: What are you up to?
    [6:09:56 PM] Taylor Weller: Chatting.
    [6:10:06 PM] Makaze: Other than that.
    [6:10:16 PM] Taylor Weller: Thinking. Very heavily.
    [6:10:28 PM] Makaze: Oh? On what?
    [6:10:39 PM] Taylor Weller: People I'd like to maim.
    [6:10:52 PM] Makaze: Am I on that list?
    [6:11:02 PM] Taylor Weller: Do you have a reason to be?
    [6:11:14 PM] Makaze: I would not know.
    [6:11:38 PM] Taylor Weller: Then why would you ask if you were?
    [6:11:49 PM] Makaze: To find out.
    [6:12:02 PM] Taylor Weller: But why even assume that at all?
    [6:12:17 PM] Makaze: Asking does not imply assumptions.
    [6:12:41 PM] Taylor Weller: Not directly. But cut the **** and tell me if you think I would have a reason to want to kill you.
    [6:13:01 PM] Makaze: Kill? You said maim.
    [6:13:11 PM] Taylor Weller: Pardon. Pehaps I meant both.
    [6:13:29 PM] Makaze: The latter kind of undercuts the former.
    [6:13:49 PM] Makaze: Ah, well.
    [6:13:58 PM] Taylor Weller: Not if one is done before the other. Are you stalling your answer?
    [6:14:11 PM] Makaze: Probably.
    [6:14:49 PM] Taylor Weller: That is what I thought. Now tell me why you would think I would have any wish to maim you.
    [6:15:10 PM] Makaze: I am not obligated to do so.
    [6:15:39 PM] Makaze: Also, stalling does not imply that I believe that I have a reason. More likely is a will to lead you on.
    [6:15:46 PM] Taylor Weller: So you do have a reason, but you fear telling me.
    [6:16:43 PM] Makaze: I have no fear of man.
    [6:16:53 PM] Makaze: Or death, for that matter.
    [6:17:11 PM] Taylor Weller: And what of what comes after?
    [6:18:16 PM] Makaze: ? There is no reason to worry about what is to come.
    [6:18:55 PM] Taylor Weller: You are a misguided, arrogant fool.
    [6:19:47 PM] Makaze: A bit angry today, aren't we? Why should you be concerned about my fate with such emotion, unto insulting me over it?
    [6:20:50 PM] Taylor Weller: I'll talk to you about this later.
    [6:21:10 PM] Makaze: Of course you will.
    [6:21:16 PM] Makaze: I look forward to it.
    [6:21:53 PM] Makaze: You OYANers really are very amusing.
    [6:34:27 PM] Taylor Weller: Yes, well, pardon the human emotion. Some of us have that.
    [6:34:56 PM] Makaze: Most.
    [6:35:22 PM] Taylor Weller: How do you find OYANers in particular amusing, pray tell?
    [6:36:26 PM] Makaze: They have yet to come to a point of weariness of the world. Most adults have already made up their minds about how the world works. Not so with young imaginative minds.
    [6:37:10 PM] Taylor Weller: Yes, depression is such a better alternative.
    [6:37:26 PM] Taylor Weller: And booted from the forum or not, you are an OYANer youself.
    [6:37:38 PM] Makaze: What? Depression is useless.
    [6:37:58 PM] Makaze: Yes, but I am almost unanimously an outsider.
    [6:38:18 PM] Taylor Weller: That is not our fault.
    [6:38:56 PM] Makaze: No single raindrop believes that it is responsible for the flood.
    [6:39:28 PM] Taylor Weller: Cut the crap and stop hinding behind the words of others. It grows thin.
    [6:39:48 PM] Makaze: Again with the irritation.
    [6:40:07 PM] Taylor Weller: America still being free, I am entitled to be annoyed at who I wish.
    [6:40:31 PM] Makaze: I am not hearing a question in the works, though.
    [6:40:55 PM] Taylor Weller: No. There is no question.
    [6:41:25 PM] Makaze: Ah, you simply wished to mention emotion and that be the end of it, then.
    [6:41:50 PM] Taylor Weller: I wish no end without a solution.
    [6:42:04 PM] Makaze: There was never a problem in the first place.
    [6:42:18 PM] Taylor Weller: THAT is not true!
    [6:42:28 PM] Makaze: Your paradigm regarding this conversation may need shifting.
    [6:42:36 PM] Makaze: Oh? Wherein lies the problem?
    [6:43:12 PM] Taylor Weller: Have you no Idea?
    [6:44:05 PM] Makaze: No, as far as I can tell the problem was your dark mood.
    [6:44:34 PM] Taylor Weller: My emotions are not without reason, Chris.
    [6:44:53 PM] Makaze: They were there before this conversation, though.
    [6:45:20 PM] Makaze: Considering the range of words said here, I must conclude that it is the reason for your irritation.
    [6:46:17 PM] Taylor Weller: I would love nothing more than to give you my mind, but I am under my word not to bring it up myself.
    [6:46:39 PM] Makaze: Yes, this I know.
    [6:47:06 PM] Taylor Weller: So say it yourself, unless you fear words.
    [6:49:37 PM] Makaze: ? I am not sure what you are talking about, unless you mean Jane.
    [6:49:51 PM] Taylor Weller: What else would it be?
    [6:50:55 PM] Makaze: Oh, a myriad of things.
    [6:51:39 PM] Taylor Weller: None so important as that. But tell me anyways what you think they could be.
    [6:51:45 PM] Makaze: I do not feel that I have wronged her.
    [6:51:57 PM] Taylor Weller: You threatened to kill her!
    [6:52:02 PM] Makaze: Ah, that.
    [6:52:08 PM] Taylor Weller: Ah, that?!
    [6:52:16 PM] Taylor Weller: That is all you have to say?
    [6:52:23 PM] Makaze: Hmm
    [6:52:28 PM] Makaze: Well, not realy.
    [6:52:34 PM] Makaze: It is not all that likely.
    [6:52:55 PM] Makaze: I do not beleive that she is capable of doing something that would motivate me.
    [6:53:30 PM] Taylor Weller: Listen to you.
    [6:53:47 PM] Taylor Weller: You speak like a self-aware robot not capable of emotion.
    [6:54:13 PM] Makaze: That reminds me of a great song.
    [6:54:44 PM] Taylor Weller: That particular reply doesn't anger me. Unfortunately for you.
    [6:54:54 PM] Makaze: /np
    [6:54:58 PM] Makaze: Ah, wait.
    [6:55:05 PM] Makaze: No scripts on Skype.
    [6:55:21 PM] Makaze: Blind by Jars of Clay on Jars of Clay
    [6:55:33 PM] Taylor Weller: I care not for your songs.
    [6:55:53 PM] Makaze: Logical / You can't find / Any reason to believe in love / You are blind
    [6:56:26 PM] Taylor Weller: Logic has nothing to do with love.
    [6:56:34 PM] Makaze: Agreed.
    [6:56:58 PM] Taylor Weller: And you know nothing of Love.
    [6:57:29 PM] Makaze: Again with the assumptions and judgemtalism.
    [6:57:48 PM] Makaze: ju*dgmentalism
    [6:57:50 PM] Makaze: Hmm
    [6:57:51 PM] Taylor Weller: Those words coming from you are both foolish and ironic.
    [6:57:59 PM] Makaze: judgmentalism*
    [6:58:31 PM] Makaze: Both? I would think that irony throws the other out the window.
    [6:59:41 PM] Taylor Weller: No, it doesn't.
    [6:59:51 PM] Makaze: If you say so...
    [7:01:49 PM] Taylor Weller: Let me make one thing clear. If you even think about harming Sian, in any way, shape, or form, and I find out about it . . .I have two very good friends that live in the same state as you. They have the means to both travel anywhere they want, and to harm anyone they want. They would be more than willing to do me any favor I asked of them.
    [7:02:36 PM] Makaze: Threats imply thought as they are said, do they not?
    [7:03:34 PM] Taylor Weller: Speak with words, not other's thoughts.
    [7:04:25 PM] Makaze: They were my thoughts, as I was the one in question.
    [7:04:47 PM] Taylor Weller: There is no question about it.
    [7:05:13 PM] Makaze: About?
    [7:05:34 PM] Makaze: There is a question here, of my innocence. It is the reason for the discussion.
    [7:06:19 PM] Taylor Weller: That is not the question. You are not innocent. You made the threat, you admitted to the threat.
    [7:06:41 PM] Taylor Weller: I will reply to force with force, if it ever comes to it.
    [7:06:55 PM] Makaze: Then, I should make clear the conditions behind said threat.
    [7:07:35 PM] Makaze: I would be replying to force with force. I would need evidence that she had knowingly played a hand in collateral murder.
    [7:08:14 PM] Makaze: Like I said, not all that likely.
    [7:08:23 PM] Taylor Weller: So you would return murder with murder. Sheer genius for one with an IQ you think you have.
    [7:09:29 PM] Makaze: I think I have? Oh, really, now. I do avoid addressing myself. Others praise me, including you. I am as harsh with myself as with others, if not more so.
    [7:10:07 PM] Makaze: Also, you are saying that you would do the same.
    [7:10:08 PM] Taylor Weller: I don't praise you. You have done nothing to deserve praise. I complement certain aspect of your person.
    [7:10:45 PM] Taylor Weller: No.
    [7:10:49 PM] Taylor Weller: I would not kill.
    [7:10:52 PM] Taylor Weller: Maim.
    [7:11:36 PM] Makaze: I have long been against double-standards. If you kill someone, you accept your life as forfeit. You may not lose it, but you lose the right to it. You cannot take any from someone what they have not offered to you.
    [7:12:38 PM] Makaze: away*
    [7:12:55 PM] Taylor Weller: I'm done with this conversation. I'll not cease speaking to you, nor do I consider you as less than you are, but if you harm Sian, even as unlikely as you say it is, all bets are off.
    [7:14:47 PM] Makaze: Bets are not so easily dropped with me.
    [7:15:38 PM] Taylor Weller: Speak your empty words as much as you wish. I care not one whit for them.
    [7:16:09 PM] Taylor Weller: For myself aslo I care not. But when you bring in other that I care for, I'll go to no ends for them.
    [7:16:45 PM] Makaze: That is true. But, you go too far. I would, at most, be an informant.
    [7:17:37 PM] Makaze: I have very little emotional involvement with this issue, so I cannot deny that my words are empty.
    [7:18:02 PM] Taylor Weller: An informant who help provide information is just as guilty.
    [7:18:27 PM] Makaze: Proving my point about her choice of profession.
    [7:18:45 PM] Taylor Weller: Interesting way to make, for a pacifist.
    [7:19:14 PM] Makaze: A pacifist?
    [7:19:52 PM] Taylor Weller: You claim to be one, do you not?
    [7:19:57 PM] Makaze: Hardly.
    [7:20:14 PM] Taylor Weller: Violence is wrong, or so you've said.
    [7:20:24 PM] Makaze: Coercive violence.
    [7:21:39 PM] Taylor Weller: I'm done here, Chris. I've said what I meant to say, and that's the end of it.
    [7:21:48 PM] Makaze: But, there is the question of compensation. I hold that one gives up the right to be free of coercive violence when one uses it. Anyone on the street can kill a murderer without fear of retribution.
    [7:22:01 PM] Makaze: Okay. Do cool down a bit.
    [7:22:17 PM] Taylor Weller: I. Am. Done.
    [7:22:20 PM] Taylor Weller: Goodbye.
    [7:22:26 PM] Makaze: Until later.
    [7:22:35 PM] Taylor Weller: Yes . . . .
    [7:22:52 PM] Makaze: Such a pleasant boy. Insults do fuel my ego so.
    [7:32:36 PM] * Makaze has changed the chat topic to "Insults"
    [7:34:11 PM] Makaze: For records.
    [8:48:58 PM] Makaze: Mind changed?
    [8:55:27 PM] Makaze: Guess not.​
  5. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Quite the little sadist, aren't we my friend?

    And to think, this all began with a list of people to maim.
  6. LARiA Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 12, 2011
    The Café Musain
    Once again; cue the applause, people. Cue the applause.
  7. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    A bit.

    Oh yeah; I should have asked him who else was on that list. Oh well. It will have to wait for now.
    I guess that I will have to clap for myself. Here we go...

  8. LARiA Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 12, 2011
    The Café Musain
    I would rep you up for that gif, but unfortunately I still have to rep some other users before I can rep you again. Ah, well. A shame.
  9. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Truly. There is nothing to be done, alas.

    I need another log to post. Ah, what to use...

  10. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    What's with the fancy language? I mean, I, myself, use it sometimes, but that's just the influence of Latin. Also, what's all this about threatening to kill someone? You seem too smart to actually go through with such a plan.
  11. rikusorakairiown Contributor

    Jul 24, 2009
    His threat was justified, if you had read carefully, though I could be wrong as I have no knowledge of the topic beyond what has been provided here.
  12. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007

    First thing that came to mind.
  13. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Hm? I use it naturally with these people. Old habits, you know...
    It was. You know about as much as Taylor did.
  14. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Sounds like what you're dealing in is not honesty, but brutality. Experience teaches me that there is quite a difference. Then again, what do I know of who you talk to.
  15. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    They are one and the same to me. When asked a question, I give my harshest opinion in all its honesty. It only offends some people, though, so that could go either way depending on how you look at it. Did you read both logs?
  16. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    But is your honest opinion always brutal?
  17. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    No, of course not. I have good opinions too. I just look over everything with a critical and unsympathetic eye until given reason to do otherwise.
  18. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    I see. Thus, you disbelieve in lying to others. Rather, you tell them what you think and they will passively/directly lash out at you.
  19. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    It's better for you in the long run to be sympathetic, as people will likely reciprocate later on. It increases your standing in society. Good enough reasons?
  20. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    That is correct. It happens often...

    They would be, but I find it harder to be sympathetic now. I truly do not relate to people well.