Traditional Art Some drawing i did

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by Sexy Sheva, Nov 20, 2007.

  1. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    Please tell me my mistakes and I will earn from them

    Alot of my friends like it, but they say it needs improvement,

    you're opinion now please :D


    P.C: It's a guy vampire ^^

    The marks on both sides of his face and on the bridge of his nose is birthmarks. The squiggly lines is trace amounts of blood trickling on his face, and the two dark circles are where he was bit
  2. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    (lined paper is usually a no-no in art, but if you were bored in class I can totally understand)

    You should study some anatomy, now's a good time to start. I don't know if you were aiming for a realistic style or manga style (or your own style) for this guy, but there are measurement issues - like the eyes shouldn't be placed higher than the ears unless you're looking up at him, the neck is too short, the chest area is extremly flat looking.

    The best thing you can do is to study propotions of the human body (if you have an art teacher at school , he/she may know something useful - I learned some tricks from mine before I started attending an art school), there's different ways to do so but I say try it all if you can:

    ~Use live models - if you are allowed to take drawing classes then I highly recommend that you do that.
    ~Build them up as stick figures with joints, then go from there.
    ~Study how other artists have drawn people in their tutorials, there are plenty of books for everybody, there might be some available in your nearest library or bookstore.
    ~Don't draw only humans - draw everything, it will give you a wider perspective of things and will help you to become better.
    ~There is also the internet, but you can easily get lost or get misinformed.

    I'm not sure if it will help you, but here's a site with tutorials that started to get me on the roll. It helped me with the basics at least.

    Good luck. :3
  3. Tootsie coquí

    Feb 26, 2007
    Gawrsh Coco,you pretty much said what I was going to say >:

    But yeah,it needs work and the body structure is not working for me but you can always practice and you'll see the results.
  4. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    Thank you =D

    and yeah I was bored in class xD