Hey! I just wanted to share some stuff I've been working on. I like making conceptual art for a number of different mediums, mostly for animation. I also post more stuff on my tumblr and deviantart page, and I have links to both on my profile page. Thanks so much for taking the time to check it out :) Klade © Jason Khera Evan © Jason Khera Selah © Jason Khera
This is amazing, but since you drew this I'll just move it to Traditional art subsection which is where all original artwork goes. ~Moved to Traditional art However, your drawing style is very clean and beautiful, I like it. I love the feel of the last piece as it really gives a dark sense of longing and perhaps a bit of disorder in that person's life. The first one feels a bit plain at the moment, it could just be the lack of background or his plain stance, drawing someone with a stance can help allude to their character (like if they stand with their hands in their pockets then they're quite relaxed but if they stand awkwardly straight then it may show that they're in an uncomfortable situation). The anatomy of the third one feels a little off but I think that's more down to weird angling (I can't put my finger on it at the moment, sorry). However, these are minor things that can be improved with practice! Good work, keep it up!
Thanks for moving it for me I was a little unsure because it was drawn digitally, but it still didn't seem to fit with graphic art haha. Yeah, anatomy and figure drawing are things I'm definitely trying to improve on right now, and totally see what your saying with the pose of the first picture. These are things I really want to make a priority for myself this summer. Thanks so much for the comment, it really means a lot! :)
Here's a head turnaround I did for Klade. It was the first time I ever tried doing one, and it definitely helped me apply the things I've been learning right now. It was a lot of fun to do :) Klade © Jason Khera
Biggest thing I see is your anatomy needs a lot of work. The first dude you do a fullbody shot of has a ridiculously long torso. His arms don't even reach past his crotch, man. Speaking of the arms, I know you wanted perspective, but they're actually just different lengths in your drawing. In the drawing with the (little?) girl her shoulders are gigantic compared to the rest of her body so it looks like the top of an adult frankenstein'd onto a kid's bottom. Her features also look a little mature for her to be a kid which is why I can't tell what age she's supposed to be. In the head turnaround you've got a little giraffe neck going on there. I also noticed how you're avoiding hands. Don't. The only way to fix any of this is to practice more and try to be more active about self criticism. The change comes from within yourself, not from someone like me telling you what you should be doing.
Thanks for the response Jiku Neon :), here's another one I did of Klade! This one is showing him in the middle of a battle. "Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then will I be confident. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Psalm 27:3 & 14 Klade © JasonKhera
This is something I've been working on for the past week or so. It was my first time doing a landscape, and putting it together really helped me learn a lot! "If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." Psalm 139:9-10 © JasonKhera All done in Photoshop CS6