Society in all it's Disgusting shame

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by daxma, Mar 13, 2009.

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  1. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    The society to the eye's of the common person shows a sort of circle of life if you will.You are raised to believe in what your parents believe, you go through primary school, secondary school and during this time you go through alot of people along the way.This is common perspection but it goes much deeper, spreading roots further than people comprehend.The pyche of the common teenager circles around themselves.They kid themselves into thinking that others matter to them but in the end the know that this statement is true.

    The person kids themselves into believing that there friends matter to them but everyone knows in there hearts and souls that friends are merely people that you can stand to be with.Sure there are true friends in life that you genuinely care about but we rarely find people like that.Lucky as i am i have true friends.
    People feel it's necessary to have friends around them everywhere they go and where ever they are.Take bebo for example; people kid themselves into believing that everyone they befriend is their friend but in fact the person at the other end is just as insecure about friends as the person sending the invite.Insecurities are the basis of all decisions made by any teen and some adults to this day.

    People have this idea that they are good people in there heads when we all know that every single person you know,have known and will know are bad people.The 20th century was a poison to society.Technological advances, biological advances,medical science advances and much,much more....and what does it mean?Nothing, nothing and thats all it will ever mean is nothing to society.The 20th century has allow people more free will, more ability to think and people seem to think that because of this they have the right to do as they please like, they have the right to be patriotic or they have the right to money...people don't deserve anything but a wake up call, that rights are glorified privledges and that they can just be taken away from them at the tip of a hat.

    As i said above people seem to think they are good people and because of this they seem to think they have the right to say stuff behind a friends back,to torture somone behind there back,to hate someone behind there back...but no one has that right.If you think so then obviously your an ignoramus and a coward.
    Because of all this free will and rights so to say, people feel that they don't have to think about cause and effect, about other people and about the fundamental quailities and feelings that make us people not just humans.

    I can give an example of what i've said above and yet again i can use bebo, but not just bebo i can also use every form of electronic or writen communication in the world.People have become so cowardly as to say stuff on pieces of card or in electronic messages that would be considered to be for lack of a better term "heartless" if they words were spoken.People have created pranks so to speak and spoken behind peoples backs or infront of peoples faces without them being able to do something, therefore causing emotional stress,Anxiety,Depression and often Suicide.I know of these because i have come to face these demons because of people too cowardly to say stuff or do things in front of me.

    Human Kind have become the lowest form of life in history.They have lost the quailites that made human...people.There have been many statements of the infinite amount of peopl who're said to have proud quailities in them but those people are fading off the face of the
    ..all things that are being wiped from the face of the earth and only exist amoung few if any people.There have been people ingorant saying that people have an infinite capacity to love but this the biggest half truth in existance.Love in this day and age only exists in the most menial perverse way.

    People label others to make them easier to deal see them as less than people so that they find it easy to break someone,humiliate someone,kill someone without the guilt that should accompany it.

    Human kind have been brought up in a society built on lies, this is one of the main reasons behind human kinds lack of humanity and compassion.Lies are what make up the lives of the shallow parasites we call our fellow men and women.

    Society is a shame to that of the generations before it and we've got nothing to blame but human kind itself.Alot of the people i know including the intelligent people fail to see themselves as they are and what society has become.

  2. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    You seem a bit behind the times, man. It's society that raises people to be the way they are. The difference here that you don't seem to realize is that humans haven't changed, it's the conditions we live in, as technology and money and the environment ship and change and evolve around us we're still stuck in this primitive mindset where we have no idea what it truly means to be human, most people are stuck in the rut of what society shapes us to be. Such as a woman who spends her whole life looking for love, because she believes that she needs a husband to find happiness and fulfillment, because society raised her to believe that.

    It's obvious that most people live in an illusion they've created themselves based on what the world around them feeds them from birth. But again, like I said, society a creation of the people, we have the potnetial to create a perfect world if we look past the illusion. It's like life's one big play, everyone plays a part, but no one realizes they're acting.

    I've dedicated myself to finding out what real life is. Honestly it's nice to see another person realizing one of the world's most prominent problems is the human mindset that we've tricked ourselves into keeping since the dawn of our existence.

    Edit: Honestly I only read your first and last paragraph, so I'm guessing my post is relevant.
  3. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    I'll be frank: I'm well aware that you're going through a lot in your life daxma, but this negativity will only serve to demotivate others eventually. In addition a lot of the stuff in your post is untrue or at the very least oversimplified or generalised.
    Therefore I see it as my duty to attack this logic, with the blunt shears if I have to.

    Even if others don't matter, even if you live only for yourself, is that necessarily a bad thing? What if I help people only for the personal satisfaction I get from it? Don't I help them nonetheless?

    Shameless generelisation: achieved.

    This statement should earn a trophy for being every kind of wrong.
    If all people are bad, then distinguishing between bad and good becomes irrelevant. You have no "good" to compare to, so how can someone be "bad"?

    Yeah, I'd much rather live in the Middle Ages where they torture any poor fellow who dares questioning the nobles to death too. :)
    Seriously, misery and selfishness are by no means characteristics of the 20th century. It comes with human foolishness, and human foolishness is possibly immortal. Don't give in to stupid things like Weltschmerz people. Don't dig yourself a hole you can't get out of anyway.

    And what alternative do you offer? What would you introduce in free will and freedom of speech's stead?

    Electronic communication has allowed a whole new level of openness. Is this always a bad thing? Of course not. How many times have people turned to the internet for personal help, even on this site, when all real life solutions seemed unreachable? The internet is a double-edged sword indeed but acknowledging its benefits may be the best way to endure its flaws.

    Also, the internet may be a new medium for arguments but it is not at all a thing to fear. If one can attack someone though the world wide web, then surely people can defend themselves through it as well.

    Name one altruistic life form. One. An organism that does more than think about survival and reproduction. I have a counter answer at the ready if you were to answer "bees" or "ants" by the way.

    Just because you may not have found it yet doesn't mean it's not there. And even if there wouldn't be, it's only because no two people have a need for it.

    Ironically, believing that there is an overall lack of humanity and compassion is one of society's lies.

    Name one period in all of eternity where the people were kind and happy and peaceful. Just one will do.
  4. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    There are different genres of friends. There are close friends who you are bonded closely to. There are the people who'll give a nod in your direction when passing by. There are those who will read you messages online and laugh or console you. There are those who just think you are funny/kind/interesting, so they subscribe to your page for more.

    Friendship is not just the tightly bonded relationships you have with a few individuals, it's how you fit into society as a whole. I'm communicating to you, and I respect you and your theories, so I'd say that you my friend, despite how I wouldn't jump in front of a bullet to save you, or how I've never met you face to face.
  5. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    You were right and i completely agree Cin.

    Styx i don't have a lack of humanity but my humanity was put on the side for me to tell what the truth really is.I understand your point of view but i'm afraid that i don't agree with it but i respect that you have a point of view and that chances are we won't agree with each other on this subject.Some of those comments weren't necessary they were just blatantly rude and not intelligent.You have a tendancy to do that.Styx you think of the outside world from inside your own inside world.Sure there are people who care,sure there are people what the scarce characteristics i mentioned but that doesn't mean the world is all happiness and smiles and that to see the world in a clear context you have to put emotions aside to see the world in it's entirity.

    I'd just like to point out something to you now, if we were to meet face to face today you wouldn't say that stuff the way you said it to me at all but you'd let it flow out of you like a stream online in a flurry of intelligent and rude sentences.IRL you would've said that in a polite manner not in a rude arrogant manner as you have just done.

    Saying your opinion is okay but to be so arrogant about is a short distance away from ignorance and/or stupidity and no one wants to come off like that.
    Personally i hate those who are arrogant those who think that they're more intelligent than everyone else and they think that because of this that they don't need something like common curtesy when they talk to people.

    In conclusion i don't agree with what you say but i respect your opinion and my advice to you is that in future don't be so arrogant or in your case come off as arrogant.

    Thats a respectible point of view Pika and thats a good synopsis of the genre's of friends but at the base of people, they're all the same.
  6. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    I didn't mean to imply that you had.

    Care to elaborate? As in: where does my view of the world fail me exactly?

    I never meant to say that either, because it's indeed not the case. But the world is a double-edged sword, like so many things are. And in your topic starting post one of those edges was completely left out, which I deem unacceptable.

    My emotions have very little to do with this. I'm afraid yours do. Your personal feelings of inner pain are reflecting themselves on the outside world which is why you fail to see the better things in life.
    I too can play psychiatrist.

    Furthermore, to "view the world in its entirety" like you describe is exactly what I've been trying to tell you, with the concept of time being implemented in "entirety". The 20th century wasn't any worse than the previous ones. The nature of the problems dealt with was/is different, sure, but their magnitude is largely the same.

    And that's what I'd like you to keep in mind. We're not going downhill but there's no completely winning the battle for perfection either. Every era brings its own set of problems and its solutions. It's our challenge to deal with them, and I think we're keeping up for now.

    I'm afraid you'd be in for a surprise.

    I see no correlation between arrogance and stupidity, let alone ignorance.

    Of course I tihnk my opinion is better than someone else's. Why would I even have that opinion if I didn't? And it's only fair that I show it. ;)
    My arrogance just helps me get my point across. Epiphanies have a tendency to be induced a tad quicker when sarcasm and rough edges are involved.

    Not gonna happen. Pride and arrogance have helped me a lot in the past, and they'll do it again in the future.

    TL;DR version: Society is just being society as always and hasn't been sleeping on the job. I'm arrogant because it makes people actually stop and think about what I said for a minute.
  7. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    You might find that arrogance is a good thing but all it does is make you think that your above everyone else, which no one is.You will often find that the intelligent people on here aren't arrogant and have many epiphanies like for example Cin,Bunterx,etc.
    I'd hope they beleive the same of me but that is not the issue.
    You can have an opinion without thinking it's better than everyone elses.I believe my opinion is right but i don't think that it's the best and only one that matters.Arrogance is a quaility born of the ignorance of man.You said you can't make the link between ignorance and arrogance but you have proved it yourself theres a big link.You ignore everyone elses point of view that doesn't agree with yours.You recognize the idea of the other person you just don't take in the possiblity of someone else being right and you being wrong.Theres a chance that i'm right and you wrong and vica versa but i can except that but i don't think that you can.
    Arrogance is a poison that runs in a humans veins and it blocks people from expanding there horizons and expanding as people.
  8. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    On a side note I've come across Bunterx' debating style numerous times and his manner of discussing is often somewhat similar to mine.

    Upon close analysis of two or more opinions they can almost always be retracted to a more efficient one and a less efficient one (or less efficient ones). Contrary to popular belief, some opinions are better than others. Even difficult cases (such as rational vs emotional arguments) can often be resolved after a closer look.

    I put myself at the risk of being competely humiliated when someone shows up who can tear my arguments down. But whether I lost the discussion gracefully or embarassingly, I was ignorant nonetheless. Therefore I see no relevance of arrogance in itself.

    How so? I'm giving you a fair chance to present your arguments and refute mine.

    Also, you seem to have lost track of the original discussion. You asked us to discuss the rottenness of this modern world but now you yourself don't partake in it, even though there is plenty to go by. Just a pointer.
  9. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Thats a fair point and we'll have to agree to disagree on the topics we've discussed styx.
  10. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    I don't want to offend. But I must say, I'll have to be blunt in this. Daxma, you're being ignorant. While you linger in such a depressive state you will not see the world for what it truly is. You need to find a middle ground in which to base yourself. I know its not easy being happy most of the time, and I see some sense in your words, but I can see how you're feeling down because of the lies in this world. But that side of things is only half the understanding.
  11. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    maybe your right and maybe your wrong.You kind of offended me but i think that you needed to do that to that to get me to see what i said as depressing but what i consider it is as the truth without the emotions of a person to cloud the judgement of what i say.Sure there might be good in people but thats only a small bit of a person.
  12. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    I'm sorry Daxma, you know, its not my intention to make you feel offended. I understand, you say that your basis was without emotion. I know what society has become, and yet I don't hold complete thruth. I understand our world is broken, I know of this...and yet that shouldn't prevent me from trying to establish myself as an individual. This world demands such broken standards, we cannot ingnore them as long as we live inside said cycle. I believe we are manipulated even when we think we have attained freedom from the binds of our ancestry and wrongful teachings. But even that is part of life. We can choose to stop living this way and lose all, or continue in this 'bliss' of sorts...Its sad, but either way, its the truth.

    Even when we hold the truth in grasp, it is no of no use if it can't be shared with others. Some people can't handle truth and prefer bliss. We can't blame their stance , given the circumstances.

    I'm sorry, Daxma. I didn't want to hurt or offend you.
  13. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    perfectly true.the thing is, in all it's irony, the insane are the only people that are truely individuals....they throw away the bliss of this world and choose to live in there own, causing them to do things that we find to be without sense...the insane are the only truely free individuals....the irony of it...
  14. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    So is there hope for a truly perfect world if people look past the "illusion"? Long answer: Only if world-wide improvements in education, human rights, and public health are coupled with an aggressive and far-sighted debt-relief program that breaks the cycle of war and urban squalor. Short answer: No.
  15. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Society has lots of hidden systems and objects you don't see. Taking in all the things humans produce to induce on other humans, be it subliminal or obvious, it's a production of the human directly on society.

    Society creates these issues, as the humans try to fix them or dismantle itself along the way.

    There is hope and a reality. There's everything all at once. It's everything. The simply old archetype of equilibrium is applied all at once. People can look past the illusion as a whole. But once the looking past the illusion is the paradigm, a new paradigm will be searched for: looking past THAT illusion.

    A truly perfect world is very possible. Is it likely? No, not at all. People get in the way of their own evolution. That's the point of society itself in its current state: to halt its own progression. Don't believe me? Think about a president in office. He isn't there to change anything outside the system he's supporting/advocating. He's changing the system within the system. Which can never work, because it fundamentally will result in failure and a massive wealth gap over time. A social failure, most specifically.

    The fact is, imo, there is no "illusion." It's a world where everything seems possible, but nothing is what it seems. But at the same time, it is the exact opposite. It's a difficult notion. But basically what I'm saying, is that you can only have something better to sufficiently match the needs of perfection.
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