I usually play goalie, because no one else on my team can think quick enough to catch a ball that is flying at their face. Plus, I'm the only one that can catch the ball on my team for some reason. I'm flexible though, I can do well on all positions.
I used to play soccer for my school's team but now I just play for fun with my friends around the neighborhood or at the gym. I usually play in the back or mid since I'm not really that good at attacking.
Used to do it a lot in high school but they made me keeper because I was terrible in any other position. Even as a keeper I was below-average. XD
When it's soccer season for girls at my school I play goalie. I'm okay I guess nothing special. I go to soccer camp next week.: D and I've never gone before.
I used to play for my school, but now I play for the Neighborhood YMCA, and help coach sometimes. I played Defender, and sometimes Mid-field/Sweeper. It was pretty fun.
I rarely played as a defender, last time I played center-back the opponents scored 3 goals because of me xD I usually play left or center forward, and sometimes center midfielder, depending on the situation xD
Soccer is only for the awesome people to play, I usually play Forward, but I sometimes play defender also.
soccer sucks :P in the, we're too passionate about the goddamn sport, we made such a big deal over that match in world cup, 'england v germany' and whenever i play it at school, im usually a defender, but i have been a midfield and goalie before
You've spelt football wrong. I'm not a big fan of football, I'll play it with friends, but I won't watch it and I certainly avoid competitive matches.
It doesn't really matter. Especially in America where confusion can arise as to which sport you're referring to.