KHV, any songs you have up for suggetions? I'm looking to hear something new, or perhaps something I haven't heard in some time. It doesn't matter the genre and whatnot. Just something entertaining.
Avenged Sevenfold I Fight Dragons Rivers Cuomo Coheed and Cambira Got a decent bit of variety between those four.
Oh wait, you said songs. Read it too past. Here are the artists I said and some songs I like by them: Thrice -Of Dust and Nations -Atlantic -Artist in the Ambulance -Kill Me Quickly Muse -Newborn -Map of the Problematique -Time is Running Out -Knights of Cydonia Kamelot -The Haunting (Somewhere in Time) -Abandoned -March of Mephisto -Love You to Death
Tenacious D Pretty much anything Megadeth- Hanger 18 Holy Wars...The Punishment due Peace Sells Dread and The Fugitive Mind Paranoid 99 ways to die Daft Punk- One More Time Aerodynamic Robot Rock Television Rules The Nation