I ran into some money recently and decided to get myself a 3DS and Pokemon Y, I haven't played much Pokemon since Diamond due to the fact that my spare time and money decided to vanish so I was wondering if the transition is going to be super awkward. I saw some gameplay and was like...wat. Also if anyone has any game suggestions for the 3DS I am all ears.
Virtue's Last Reward Zelda Link between worlds Tales of the Abyss Luigis Mansion 2 Mario and Luigi: Dream team bros Bravery Default Fire Emblem Awakening. Those are all my games, I suppose being from this forum we should also get KH:3D.
I half recommend Bravely Default. It's s super solid classic style JRPG, but they REALLY drop the ball during the second half. Unfortunately it's major spoilers as to why, but let's just say you have to refight the bosses FIVE times with nearly no changes, as well as revisit multiple dungeons FIVE times with no changes (not even new treasure) it's REALLY good besides that unfortunately huge blemish. Mario and Luigi Dream Team is a pretty fun little romp. Pretty short if that's an issue for you though. I don't own it, but people are calling Zelda a Link Between Worlds one of the best Zeldas in years Tales of the Abyss is pretty great too, though it can get a bit laggy because of some porting issues The Adventure Time game is pretty solid, if that your thing Fire Emblem Awakening is great, and if you're new to the FE franchise it's a great starting point and yeah, KH3D is probably an obvious choice. A lot of people like it, I personally think it's the weakest entry in the franchise second only to Days
... literally the only game I have for my 3DS in KHDDD because I am just too poor to buy anything else right now but I think that game is brilliantly fun and definitely one I don't mind replaying unlike Days which feels like a drag to replay.
Many thanks for the suggestions guys. As for KH 3D I will probably get it at some point, I just gotta try my best to not have expectations for it as I have heard it is hit or miss with people. But for real, I did not expect Pokemon Y to be this fun. Good game, good system, I am having a good time for sure.
I wish I could run into some money... But yeah, Bravely Default is a definite recommendation, the Ocarina of Time remake, and Dissidia: Theatrhythm.
This thread inspired me to play Pokemon Y again after putting it down for a few weeks...and I caught Articuno. Now to finish that Looker quest with my Starter/Legendary Party.