What are you getting for christmas? I'm getting: PSP(BBS FTW!!!) 100 pesos(30 dollars more or less) A pen!?!?!?!??!( I just checked where my gifts are and found 3 WTF) My father's birthday is in christmas. Only 1 gift for you dad!
Umm; A PS3 Black Ops (PS3) £20 PSN Card Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS) Yu-Gi-Oh TagForce 5 (PSP) and a few other things from various people
A preorder for the 3DS. If that's the only thing I get from my parents this year, I'm fine with that.
I don't and don't want to know what I'm getting. My family is old fashioned in that we still like to be surprised by our Christmas gifts.
Cash, I imagine. Probably a trinket or two. Video games aren't really an issue any more. Ever since I got a flashcart for the DS, and a PSP with CFW, they just seemed to get boring. Too much of a good thing ruins the good thing. I don't really need anything else. I have a laptop, I don't use cellphones, I have headphones, I don't want speakers, I've got more than enough miniature figures to work on and I have an enormous backlog of anime. Music isn't a problem, as I have the internet. I have no preferences So I'm satisfied with what I've already got. But at the same time, I can't let gifts go to waste. I won't give them away, or tell relatives not to bother. So I'll get money. Having everything I need isn't as good as I thought it would be.