It's a long story... I was planning on going to the store and get some candy for the Trick-Or-Treaters and also a costume, just in case I wanted to go to a party (or just wear around the apartment). Before I could get that stuff, one of my friends called and asked if they could do their laundary (the dorms washer/dryer runs on quarter, and they had no money) So I said yes. They got here around 2-3pm, and didn't finish until 11:45 or so. I managed to get the candy, but no T-Or-Ts showed up. I pretty much didn't do anything. And it sucks because I love Halloween.
MY HALLOWEEN WAS AWESOME. I partied an all-nighter with like 35 friends or so because it was my (and my best friend) b-day:D:D It was totally amazing.
because she obviously wants a good halloween rubbed in her face >.> aside from that, sorry it was bad, you could go "boo" someone for fun, like late halloween, use that extra candy, or with your costume, throw a post halloween costume party. just my random suggestions but w/e ("booing" is leaving a bag of candy on someones doorstep and leaving a note, its fun and almost like a secret santa sorta thing, see if you can start a chain of booing because the person has to boo like 3 other people and see if it comes back to you) inb4wtfaseriousanswerinthespamzone?
So did mine. My homecoming was last night and I was really happy and excited for like the first hour and then I spotted this dude that I kind of like but I have no courage whatsoever and couldn't even like...look at him. xD So then for the rest of the night until we all went home I was really depressed and hated myself for being so damn shy and now I completely regret it and RAWRU290U3QIO4J2JQ1!!!
Mine was fun. My friends and I got together and trick or treated, and we all looked like raging homosexuals in our costumes. Upon returning to his house we got sugar high and watched scary movies till 3 in the morning, adding in our own commentary that completely took all of the scary out of it. Upon waking up the next morning a bird had gotten into the room we were sleeping in. My freind wrangled it while we played Oblivion and Brutal Legend.
I stayed up until 7:30 this morning, then went to bed and got up around 4 in the afternoon. I'm happy a alot of you had a great Halloween. I'll have to remember to organize for next year.