wikipedia lies sometimes, since it can be edited by the people :/ i bet some fan did it, but if it were true the fan would post it as 2 or 1
Well, it can be true... Some of the crazyness in the game made no sense to us..but it does to them.. Plus it wasnt ALL THAT BAD, the ending made it worthwhile..and Yuna's journey to get it.
It was a decent game overall, but it was not needed. The sad ending of FFX left a lot of people unhappy, so Squeenix made it as pretty much a fan-service. It's like the cliff hanger ending of FFVII. It left a lot unexplained. So they made the spin-offs. While they were somewhat decent games(except CC, which was awesome :lolface:), they weren't 100% necessary. But, the company is entitled to their creative opinion on how they want to take these kind of endings.
FFX-2 was an amazing game. It had fun, happy atmosphere with one of the best battle systems the series has ever seen. It's story was well done and the game itself was a return to what people loved about FFX. Fuck you people. Seriously. They made all those games for money. High demand had nothing to do with it, they made sequels and spin-offs for their most popular games, because they knew they'd sell. I love Square-enix, but don't give them that much credit, seriously.
I enjoyed FFX-2 as a game myself, but it shouldn't of been a FF. It wasn't needed, it was a bit too boring story-wise and probably shouldn't of just had three characters. I did enjoy the game, the fight system was a bit iffy at first but after a while its not as bad (kinda like a slow version of Summoner 2 without the button mashing of X). It was a good game by itself but it was just FFX-Fanservice. It didn't work as a sequel (other than plot and some characters) but it was an okay game if you never played FFX (like me XD). Thank god I got something much, much, much better than it straight afterwards for a ridiculously cheap price.
This game was good, decent, but not enough to stand as anything other than fan-service. I enjoyed the battle system, and the job system, too. The most complaints I had was mainly because at most points they send you to do nothing but side-quests, afterwards I had no idea how to progress. The dressphere was just plain bad. The idea was good, but the playing dress-up part....was not. The lack of male characters kinda ruined some of it. FFX-2:GNO
The game could have been amazing, but SE screwed up royally. How? They completely ****ed over the personalities of every major character except Rikku, who was turned into a **** to make up for it, used a crappy soundtrack, crappy plot and generally ruined the whole feel of FFX. The first started with the incredible destruction of a city by a giant whale while the main character played sport UNDER-FRICKIN-WATER while heavy metal rocked in the background, and a super-cool-time-travelling-dimension-crossing-fight-to-save-civilisation-and-destroy-a-massive-monster-with-an-airship-and-overthrow-the-goverment adventure soon followed. FRICKIN AWESOME. The next one started with a crappy pop concert, followed by the three characters going on a damn vacation around Spira saying 'Well this is nice'. LAAAAAME. And the battle system was sucky compared to FFX. The only redeeming thing about it was Paine. She was badass.
Wut? How can what you just said there be justified? The FFX battle system was not as good as X-2, since the first one didn't have options between active or passive. If you're referring to the dressphere changing in the middle of battle, then yes, but aside from that X-2 was better, in my opinion.
X-2 is ok, but doesn't warrant a position on any best game list, especially not with Best Game of All Time. Saddens me to know just how many great games could have had that spot, but Famitsu's biased toward Japanese developers, so it only makes sense
In your opinion. In my opinion, it was just like all the other FF Battle systems, but with the lame dresspheres. X was more than just passive, it was Conditional- certain actions you take affect the CTB bar, which isn't that important most of the game but you need to pay a hell of a lot of attention to it when fighting the superbosses. Also, X-2 had no summoning, no unique overdrives and no Sphere Grid. X is by far superior. True, it didn't offer the choice between Passive or Active, but I don't really care because Passive is better anyway.
I am surprised it wasn't higher :v Agreed, it was an amazing game D8 and I actually liked the dresspheres, plus some of the attacks and abilities were ****awesome, and I liked the fact that every decision you made affected how the game could end, like if you didn't do certain things then you didn't get the perfect ending etc. Xeddrief I am not even going to attempt to reply to your posts because they are making me want to bang my head against the wall :x
I partly agree with this. I despise how they handled the dressphere in actual battle. If summons were included, then the system could have been expanded on by what each summon would require. The sphere grid v.s. Job system...I do agree that the grid was more open, it left many options, but the job system wasn't bad, either. Aside from the sailor-esque dress changes...the battle system in X-2 was better. Plus- the overdrives were replaced by the girls changing into another clothes alteration, after using every dress mid-battle...I despised that, and changing clothes during battle, too. Not because of the scenes, but due to the lack of strategy in this method. Instead of giving you a full-arsenal of characters(tidus,seymour are available in the international version) they just give you three characters that are basically the same.