On tumblr? http://pasted-dreams.tumblr.com/ Follow me (if you dare, some stuff can be depressing but I can be happy and random once in a while), and I follow you. Unless you post nude or sex gif all the time, THEN we might have a little problem. *finalllymadeathreadaboutthisandhadthisblogforaboutamonthnow* :'D *mybad*
Oh wow. xD I have to keep refreshing the page to click on followers... Spiked from 32 to like 35 quickly. o.o
Just followed you. We should probably just make a Tumblr-thread for everyone to post links to their blogs in >.> *scuttles off*
I'm trying to think of something witty to say. Alas, I cannot. I shall leave the witty and humorous comments to those who are actually witty and humorous. My tumblr is my signature under the "people//links" tab.
Yeaaaaah, that sounds like a fantastic plan. xD I'm not witty and humorous? ;~; *goes to the alone corner while clicking on links tab*