Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Cin, Mar 6, 2009.
Saw the Watchmen. Warning: Lots of Penis.
Hmmm, so wait till it comes on Sky Movies then? Inside joke in a way
No, go see the movie. Just be aware there's a giant blue penis in half the scenes.
Dr. Manhattan looks like a penis in it?
No. Apparently Zack Snyder didn't get the memo about no naked men in movies.
Oh, I see. Not a pretty sight then.
This film has suddenly got a whole lot more appealing, and I have no idea why.
Mmm, of course you of all people would say that. ...slut.
Hmm, if this is out now, I may just go see it this weekend. I'll ignore the flying phalluses.
the hot chick makes up for the "lots of penis"
Wait. You're serious?
Reminds me of yesturdays AOTS.
Yes. Dr. Manhattan is literally naked, junk fully shown, in nearly every scene he's in.