And on the back of it in some asinine form of writing I can make out "Tell Jacob about dagger" Now on one hand 11 year old me could be talking about a dagger in some other game or movie or whatever and I just happened to have had the receipt as my nearest piece of paper to remind me. But I completely forget who Jacob was Let alone whether I was talking a dagger weapon or Dagger from Final Fantasy IX In which case I might be a time traveler as 11 year old me should have no clue who Dagger is WHAT DOES ALL THIS **** MEAN!?
Jacob was probably your imaginary friend who became dangerous. He'd whisper in your sleep at night "Tell Jacob about dagger" because he wanted you to stab the **** out of some random person. Well, days went by, and soon the whispering started dying off and soon you forgot about Jacob. You wrote that on the piece of paper. You had forgotten about Jacob. But now that you've read it, you'll start hearing the whispering in the dead of night. Again. I dunno maybe one of your 11 year old friends wrote it on the back lol.
I cracked the code! JACOB J-C-B JAOB Jah-Ohb AO=~U JUBE So: Jacob=Jube Which means 11 year old you wanted Jube you to remember to tell yourself about some sort of dagger. But what dagger?!