So Sick Of Love Songs~

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Jordier0xs0x, Nov 8, 2007.

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  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Gotta change my answering machine
    Now that I'm alone
    Cause right now it says that we
    Can't come to the phone
    And I know it makes no sense
    Cause you walked out the door
    But it's the only way I hear your voice anymore
    (it's ridiculous)
    It's been months
    And for some reason I just
    (can't get over us)
    And I'm stronger than this
    (enough is enough)
    No more walking round
    With my head down
    I'm so over being blue
    Crying over you

    And I'm so sick of love songs
    So tired of tears
    So done with wishing you were still here
    Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
    So why can't I turn off the radio?

    >.> Don't ask
  2. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    aww hmmm dam i wanted to ask
  3. khhottie30 Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 19, 2007
    Why should you care?
    I like this song.

    It used to sorta describe me...until I met Dustin McGuire!!!
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