Just for future reference tho, if you guys are wondering the status on these two, it's best to ask me directly since I'm working on them. To give an official statement, as you've probably noticed, I haven't been very active the past couple of months, due to a lot of different things happening offline. I could talk about it here, but it's a long story and I'll probably make a post about this semester when it's over. Most importantly, I've not forgotten and have been trying to work on it when I've been able...which hasn't been very often, tbqh. v: At this point looking at what is on the table concerning school and life (essentially the same thing at this point), I would say that there is a good likelihood that Question Time and the User Award results might not be up until I am on winter break (mid December). I know it's ultra ******, and I feel exactly the same (HOOOO BOY LET ME TELL YOU), but unfortunately that's the way things look from here. I may be able to make a decent enough dent to start posting things up, but I wouldn't take that as a solid promise of things happening then.
I have asked you, Plumsy. :D But thank you! (September 7) And the post below (October 23). As for your story, yes, share it sometime! As long as it doesn't involve you leaving staff, I'm sure I'll enjoy the story. :D
This time of year seems to always get hectic. I've graduated college and I can still say that it gets busy. Hang in there but don't forget to take a few moments to yourself every now and again.