i beat ya to the punch, boyo. I really am excited for this, are they doing the plot of P3 ? or something like original story?
BURN MY BREAD :D Kinda ambitious of them to make a P3 movie though. The P4 anime was rather lackluster and you wouldn't have appreciated unless you've either played the game or been paying attention to ATLUS releases.
BABYBABYBABYBABYBABYBABYBABYBABYBABYBABYBABYBABYBABYBABYBABYBABYBABY Seriously though, it probably won't be that good. At least not if the story is from the actual game, which did not have a very good story until the very end. Until the end, it was just the good old Shin Megami plot of "Hey, there's a tower, let's climb it!" It'll be interesting to see what they do with it though.
Animated Just so you know this was all shown at the end credits of the Persona 4 movie - Factor of Hope that comes out in theaters in Japan today.
So it'll skip the boring parts? Cause I'm so bored playing it so far. I know I'm at the beginning, but still...