And he's in his "why" stage. This is always a fun time for me, my personal goal is to answer every question in their chain of questions until something I say confuses them enough that they stop talking altogether. "Why is there duct tape on your curtains?" "Because we don't want the dogs to look out the window." "Why?" "Because they scratch at the curtains and we don't want that." "Why?" "Because they keep pulling the curtains down." "Why?" "Because that rod up there is holding the curtains, and it's not very stable." "Why?" "Because it's old and broken, and falls down." "Why?" "Because gravity makes it so nothing can fly." "Why?" "Because if gravity didn't work, we would all float up into space and our heads would get really big because we wouldn't be able to breathe." "..." *walks away* SCORE!
"could you stay still?" "why? "I'm going to put this pillow over your head" "why--!" "shhhhhhh" "..."
"What are you doing?" "Playing the violin." "Why?" "Because I need to practice." "Why?" "Because I want to play really good." "Why?' "Because it's fun to play." "...Can I try?" "No, you can't play on this." "Why?" "Because it cost a lot of money." "Why?" "Because it's a good instrument." "Why?" "Because they made it that way." "Why?" "So that it will make a really good sound." "Why?" "Because then people will buy it." "Why?" "Because it makes a really good sound." "Why?" "Because when you pluck the string like this... here, you try... pluck the string, there you go... it makes the strings shake, and when they shake, it sends the sound into these holes, and then the sound bounces back from inside the violin and comes back out really loud." "..." *sits and stares in silence*
Unfortunately, I believe he is already gone at this point. I was only down there for a little while myself.
lol, yeah, I can see it now. "What are you doing?" "Reading the Philosopher's Stone." "Why?" "Because I want to." "Why?" "Because it's a good book." "Why?" "Because it's the story of how a young boy who was neglected and somewhat abused by his muggle family found out he was a wizard when a giant man broke the door and turned his cousin into a pig (or tried to, at least) with a pink umbrella and then took the little boy to a magical school where there were other wizards, and he made friends and enemies and there were trolls, trolls in the dungeons, and then they threw a Remembrall, and he made the Quidditch team, and they hatched a dragon and then served detention and played a lullaby for a three headed dog named fluffy and they went through the trap door and there was no wood, so she made a fire and then they played chess, solved a riddle, looked into a mirror, found the Philosopher's stone, fought a man with two faces and then won the house cup." "..." *walks away*
haha, that's cute. Although I imagine it could get annoying if you have to deal with it all day. My sisters were all relatively close to my age, the youngest is only seven years younger, so I didn't have to deal with anything like that much.