We're in the middle of a test and he gets down to desk level on his knees and starts doing a re-enactment of when Gandalf gets pulled down by the Balrog in LOTR. He's clinging to the edge of the desk and then falls down in slow motion :v He's honestly one of the nerdiest people I know. When we studied nuclear fission he tried to compare it to a game of pacman and spent the lesson running after students making pacman noises.
this was my 8th grade LA teacher doing the 'snow dance' im seriously not shitting you, it has no sound, but it is much more better than the hamster dance one
My physics teacher was Russian, misses the Soviet Union and gives off about how crappy vodka is in the UK :v For those that wish it, here is she in action (along with several other of the teachers from my old school :x) :
This is one of the crueler jokes at our school but basically this physics teacher we have is reaaaaaallly really ugly, and when we found out she was married some kids were joking around saying "the guy she's married to must be blind." ... turns out, the guy she's married to is blind.
My Global History teacher wears sweater vests everyday and lives in the same apartment building as Busta Rhymes.