So I brought her some sprite like beverage and stayed at her house for awhile. We played Kingdom Hearts for 4 hours until she gave me a hug and kicked me out cause her motherboared was moody. The moral of this story is that Kingdom Hearts is great, but you already knew that.
That friend of yours sounds very similar to a friend of mine and that situation, including the sickly part, is very similar to one I was just in with the friend of mine who your friend sounds very similar to.
Read as sticky first read through. Did your friend put her hair up in a Misty-tail lookin extremely cute?
...Uhm, about that... Nope. But we did play vidya games for about four hours. And she's already extremely cute, so that's irrelevant anyway. Thank you Lox. <3 She's feeling much better now, sprite like beverages cure all.
I figured so, as do I with my lub. Known her for almost 7 years so I'm sure about that. -insert another Bon Jovi song- If we played that she might have collapsed from the awesome. We did try to play KH in French, sadly it doesn't translate the text, would have been epic.
Aw Makaze, you didn't feel the need to read the whole thread without skimming? I'm hurt, truly I am. That means you probably didn't read the part about french girls.