if im say a fan of both pokemon and persona would cyber sleuth be something i would like? and are they going to make more like is digimon story going to be an ongoing thing? because thatd be pretty cool
I liked Cyber Sleuth, but the story is a little confusing and wonky at some times, even for Digimon's standards
I definitely recommend it. Just know that it's kinda samey for the first like, third of the game, and the budget is definitely lower than your Pokemon games until that point (a lot less voice acting than I expected too)
ive played it for about 3 hours and i really like it but it hasnt grabbed me yet. i have no plans to stop playing it but i want less story bits and more action. its good and like you said i expect it to get better, but playing it gets boring after 15-20 minutes because theres too much walking around doing things i dont care about. and i think there are too many things in the game. like theres the eden thing and then the jump thing and whatever that thing is with all the other things in it and cases and medals and coffee and its like overload. i jus wanna play pokemon i mean digimon. i dont mind the lack of english voices one bit but thats just me and my thinking that jap>eng in anime except for when i dont think that.
It's around Chapter 10 that the game gets really engaging (I think so.) More cutscenes, far better boss fights, less grindy missions, less revisiting the same areas, etc. One annoying thing is how many of the Mega Digimon are stuck behind end-game missions even if you have all the other requirements to Digivolve into them.