I don't see why anyone was looking forward to it when Demetri Martin has tried sketch comedy before and it wasn't funny. People are just jumping on the bandwagon because of the name
Honestly, the show is basically in the format of Mind of Mencia. He comes out initially, has a monologue of jokes about the theme, then has sketches, cuts to him doing silly stuff in the streets, and in-studio acts. However, the jokes are really forced and not naturally funny like his stand-up, the studio audience laughs over him talking, and the in-studio acts are less funny rehashes of original things he did for stand-up (Big Notepad, Charts, Music), funny thing the sketches were pretty hit or miss, but were better than I expected. Basically, he seems really uncomfortable and unnatural in a show format, and I think the energy he put into the show would have been better placed in working these jokes and creative juices into some new stand-up performances. Some of the things could have been funny, if they were fleshed out or retooled as jokes in stand-up instead of a variety-hour TV show.
Dude, you know the basic layout of a comedians life. Start small, be clever, creative, be funny, do some stand up, get a Tv spot, get good ratings, get a Tv show, fail, get a Talk show, fail, write movies.