I attempt to type in "Okie dokie." But evil spell-check happens and instead I sent her "Okie [insert offensive lesbian term here]" And that was my morning, KHV.
:C She might just be busy for now, just keep waiting and try to keep your chin up, qurl. I think she'll understand though, autocorrect is universally known for screwing up messages.
Why can't people just turn off autocorrect and reread their messages by themselves? You're not writing a novel! Are the four seconds it takes to reread your message that important?
Because to err is human. I try to spell check on my own but I was seriously only typing short, quick response that would not incline to proofread and make final drafts to turn in for a grade.
If this is your friend, why would she get bent out of shape over it if you explain that it's an accident? My friend's gay and in the past I may or may not have told some jokes in poor taste and he may or may not have gotten upset, but when I apologized it was okay. If she's your friend then I'm sure she's fine
Well, lawd almighty she just laughed it off lololol. I guess she wouldn't be the type to get too sensitive about it now that I think about it, hehe. To be fair, I never really had a problem with auto-correct until now so I never really bothered with the settings at all.
The word "****" to lesbians is like the word "cracker" to white people. It's supposed to be offensive, but no one's offended by it. You'll be fine, yo.