And Orphan is kicking my ass every which way. :\ I'm just going to grind in the Archlyte Steppe, and probably mess around with my paradigms and battle team. I've been using Hope/Light/Snow but I think I'll switch Snow for Fang.
How far along are you in the Crystarium. Also, Orphan will try to doom you. 3x Cherub crowns equipped on your leader should do the trick. Light, Fang and Hope are usually regarded as the better party most of the time.
You shouldn't have too much trouble once you switch out snow, it's really just a matter of getting the paradigm shifts in well, I don't remember grinding and I don't recall him causing too many problems, slight tweak and some practise you'll be fine.
I'm pretty sure I'm as far as I can go. I've maxed out everything for Hope and Lightning, but I need to level up Fang's Saboteur class.
No team should ever be without Fang. EVER! I can manage Orphan in less than a minute, and that's on your first fight. A nice trick is to use Army of One but in the COM role. Lightning does more damage that way. Light/Fang/Hope RAV/SAB/SYN - Till Hope Hastes everyone. RAV/SAB/RAV - Let Fang debuff, keep using magic till he's Staggered. You don't want to get close cause he'll remove your buffs. RAV/COM/RAV - Use Army of One and just as the animation starts switch to COM/COM/RAV. Depending on how much he has left switch back to RAV/COM/RAV and repeat.
Then you´re pretty much good to go. Just need to remove Snow. Light and Hope will suffice for healing and Fang and Light will be heavy hitters. Sure, you can´t use three RAV, but that´s no big deal.
Thank you! I will try to use your strategy, and hopefully I'll be able to take him down a lot faster. :3
You should be able to get 5-stars n your first go with that method. You'll have to restart the battle to get these paradigms but it makes it saves you a lot of bother.