Take out the sim card ( the little place that gives you your phone number, dunno if you call it that there) and give it to the lost and found, say that you found it, but not the phone whilst it hides in your bag. You look good and get a free phone WIN
It's a bomb. In two minutes everyone within a three-mile radius of that blackberry will be dead. :/gasp:
You know what i would do Grab it pretend your taking it to a counter and turn to corner and RUN!!!! until you hit the bathroom then pretend your taking a 1 or 2 and hide it in your pants somewhere xD I went on Holiday and i was gonna get my luggage and i saw a IPOD on a Blue Bag and it was going around and around that luggage pick up thing and i saw it for my 5th time and i pretend to think it was mine and all i see another hand grabs it and i was like "Oh sh!t" and some big @ss biker guy was giving me some evil look... xD was funny though
LOOOOL My cousin was soooo funny He said Bomb like 6x and all the white/black people look at us and walk really really fast xD and later some security guards came up to us and searched us and started reading some rights and saying "Terrorism is a big offence" xD
Are you saying asians/middle easterners didn't react? :/gasp: Kidding, but loll I hope I don't get arrested for a forum post ._. IF ANY SECURITY PEOPLE ARE READING THIS I WAS JUST JOKING HURR HURR -hides in a corner- ...
xD Well we were followed until we boarded the the plane. 0.0 I cant go into the KH-Vids slammer -.- mess up my record - Done time in KH-Vids prison.