[okay I'm not seriously] I've been losing my voice for the past couple of days to the point we're I sound like a skinny little teenage boy who's voice is cracking... and I'm not the only one to notice... everyone has been laughing at me coz of it saying that my "ball's have dropped". It has been kind of funny, but now I'm been called a transvestite coz of it... wierd Oh and other people have been stealing my food to catch it so they don't have to go to work (Why I didn't think of that I'll never know)
OMG you have the Swine Flu. jkjk I've been sick for a while and that's what everyone keeps telling me. O.o
I look slightly boyish... sooo.. feh. D: but i have a slightly hyper-ish voice...soooo... i'm kinda like Tobi-kun from naruto shippuden. xD boyboyboybyoyboybybyobyobyoybyboyboy
ahh you poor person D: I remember that I was been called that not that long ago. Even my teacher's made fun of me -__-
Why, zank you. But for reals--- my older cousins all make fun of me-- because I'm boyish, but over the phone, i sound like a midget. > w <