So I went to the renaissance faire sunday

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Hissora, Apr 9, 2008.

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  1. Hissora ahurhurhur.

    Sep 30, 2006
    behind you :U
    And this prate told us a story.
    It was like mad libs or who's line is it anyways? where people shout out random things.

    The story was like, there was a pirate ship was called the minnow and all the crew could jump... really well. The captain was named Comclotts and he could breathe fire. The crew and captain hadn't done anything for a while so they went out in search of women. The found this huge watermelon at sea and came out a seed. The seed told them they could find women at this volcano. So they went o the volcano and found a cave and dragon. So it wasn't really a volcano, it was just a mountain... with a dragon in it. So the captain and the dragon breathed fire at eachother and Comclotts won. They dragged the dragon out and found the whale. The whalke was like, "I'll trade you fifty women for that dragon meat." Why a whale wanted a dragon and had 50 women, I don't know.
    So in the end the crew was happy with their women.

    And we also got these people to dance for us since we bought water.
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