and because I know there are some HPgeeks 'round here, I wanted to ask you guys something. I don't know if these are spoilers or not, so there will be spoilers. Spoiler Basically I don't understand anything from the memories from Severus his tears. Is he his dad or something? Can anybody explain his memories? Also that stone that he drops in the Forbidden Forest, what does it DO exactly? Note that I haven't read the books so yeah.
Spoiler: The Story He was in love with Lily, and Lily married James instead of him. He stayed devoted regardless. The stone, as I understand it, brings back the people that you love. I assume that it brings out their image as it appears in your memory, but I could be wrong. It only brings them back in a ghost like form, not physically. I have not read the books either.
Exactly why i believe they completely ruined that chapter. It didn't make much sense and was quite horrible. Spoiler In those memories we see Snape as a kid when he met Lilly, Harry's mother. In the book their relationship in those memories is described a lot better, Snape was the one that informed Lilly about her being a witch and he gave her info on everything magic. Petunia also appears a little more in that story but hey it's movies... As for the stone, it is supposed to be able to bring back the dead, hence its name, Resurrection stone, but since no one can actually bring back the dead (unless you are in Naruto's universe XD), only a short of ghost form of the person(s) you think of, when you turn the stone three times in your hand, appear. Death pretty much fooled the second brother. The wand.. god the wand, they are so stupid...
Spoiler No Snape is not his father. His father is James Potter. Snape was in love with Lily and was friends with her until he joined the Death Eaters. A lot of people were thinking that Snape was his dad because of the movie but that is untrue. His dad is- and always will be James Potter.
It is not of major importance, and it doesn't reveal anything plot wise, not to mention that the majority of the planet has read the books, hence i see no reason to do so.
Spoiler Snape showed Harry his memories so that Harry would see that he, Snape, was not a bad guy, but was protecting Harry the whole time. Snape showed Harry the memories of Dumbledore talking with Snape about Harry, and how Dumbly ordered Snape to kill him. Aaaand yeah, Snape liked Lily. The Resurrection stone is what he drops. It brings people back from the dead (loved ones). Harry drops it, and it is lost forever. (That's what it looks like.) Noobs Spoiler In the books, Harry or w/e doesn't snap the wand. He uses the wand to repair his original wand, and the Elder wand is not destroyed. I TRIED TELLING YOU GUYS ON VOXLI BUT NOOO IT HAPPENED IN THE MOVIE SO IT HAPPENED IN THE BOOKS. >_>
Spoiler When Voldemort went to go kill Harry when he was a child, Lily's love for Harry protected him and deflected Voldy's curse back at himself, killing himself, and accidentally making Harry a horcrux. This resulted in Harry's scar, his and Voldemort's psychic connection, and Harry speaking Parseltounge. When Voldemort finally killed Harry, he really only killed the Horcrux side of Harry, making Voldemort completely mortal. Harry, still being alive, killed Voldemort, and they all lived happily ever after.
Okay, I think I get it now, thanks guys. For a Potter movie, it was better than some of its prequels.