And usually, at the part where you have to get money from jobs, I get at least 800 like I'm supposed to just cause, well, because I'm strange like that. So anyways, this most recent time, I only got like 100, cause I was bored with Twilight Town, and I knew it wouldn't really matter. So I go to Hayner, and then instead of saying "Wow! Way to go Roxas!" or whatever they usually say when I bring the right amount, they just kind of stared at me and said "...Good job, I guess..." :( I feel ashamed.
o: Clearly Hayner just beats his money out of small children while you have to do painstaking jobs. I keep getting hit by that silly cart with the bag on it. :v
once i was bored and got over 2000 munny just to see how they would react and the bag still only had 2000 in it..... they kept their money.... cheap