I got into some trouble recently and I’m a pretty heavy pot smoker, but due to the trouble I can’t smoke until February 20th, maybe longer. Is it so wrong that I should ask my boyfriend to take a break until Feb. 20th with me? Is it wrong of me to ask him to stop smoking until the 20th with me? I realize that it might be a bit selfish, but since when is stopping someone from doing drugs a bad thing? I just want him to be there for me, to help me be strong, and to let me know that I’m not going through this alone. To let me know that when I’m sitting alone at home, wanting nothing more to roll up a doobie to halt my anger, I at least know that he is going through the same thing, the same frustration, and that offers me a lot of comfort. But right now it just hurts, because I know right now he’s probably dabbing his ****ing brains out and when I call him to say good night he’ll probably be too high to remember his middle name and that really aggravating when I’m stone cold sober. Am I wrong to want him to do this for me? Or should he be able to do whatever he wants even if it’s hurting me? Bah humbug.
Okay, Serious Star Time. One, why do you do that? I already owe Brain Cells, so I wouldn't, but for someone who most-likely has all of them, why? Now on to the topic at hand, No, its not a bad thing to want someone to help you through any tough time, and as such if he loves you, will most-likely accept. To be honest, if I cared for someone, I would go to the ends of the Earth to help them through anything at any cost and as such, hope such moral standards exist in all other humans. This isn't always true of all people, but if they care enough for you they will do it. But if they don't they will give you up or if they care more for the thing than a person, the same to be said. End Serious Star Time
Just shut your ****ing whore-ass mouth and entertain the man. Next. (seriously man this thread scared me. I thought you actually were in trouble lol)
How dare you be so selfish as to want him to stop smoking just because you can't. It's his right to do what he wants, even if you can't.
What I fail to understand is how making him stop would make it more bearable to you. But anyway, if you' re as addicted as you sound then maybe a forced halt isn' t nearly as bad as you think it is. I have been that addicted, it has had undesirable consequences on my life and I' m glad to be out of it. I' m not completely out yet, I still buy some (like, twice a year tops), but I don' t feel like life sucks without it anymore. I still smoke tobacco though ... ;_;
There is only one reason why men become addicted to drugs, they are weak men. Only strong men are cured, and they cure themselves. - Martin H. Fischer
You'd be surprised how much that helps. I've recently quit smoking and it is definitely easier stopping/quitting when the people around you aren't using/doing it. Sometimes just simply seeing or smelling it on them can cause you to want one. So in this situation, the boyfriend is going to smell of weed quite often, so psychedelic is going to smell it on him and is going to want to do some.
Oh I understand the "please don' t smoke it in front of me" reasoning, but it' s not the same as "don' t smoke it period". Apparently they don' t live in the same house and don' t spend their evenings together so ... idk, personally I wouldn' t mind.
You aren't wrong to want him to do it for you. You would be wrong to force him do it for you. It's not wrong of me to want to kill Justin Beiber, but it would be wrong (yet extremely satisfying) to actually do it. In other news, I've tracked your IP and notified the police in your area. They're on the way right now.