Or rather, I need Judai to catch a Pokemon for an RP. And I am so torn and I'd like some help here. Basically, it's a ghost swarm. I'm torn between Misdreavus and Drifloon. I can catch a Misdreavus later on if I so choose, but it might help more now. Drifloon I won't be able to catch at all until there's another swarm. They'd both be at about Lv 15. Help me out here, guys.
I think Misdreavus would probably be better, just because if you're going off pokemon facts, it's somewhat of a better pokemon in the long run, at least in my opinion, and actually, even stat-wise it's better, except for HP.
Misdreavus. Fewer weaknesses, pretty balanced stats, though they have pretty close movepools (but Misdreavus can learn Power Gem, a pretty solid Rock move, at 55, if you hold out that long). Plus Mismagius just looks cool ok?
The only thing I like about Drifloon/Drifblim is Aftermath. And by like I mean hate because it hurts me when I kill it. So yea, Misdreavus.
Drifloon is the pimpest of balloon animals and you will regret your decision at the next birthday party.