at first i was thinking "if i get one more guy who's milkin' himself i'm outta here" and then i get someone who's kawaii as **** and yet i'm like and then we start talking and somehow we get to the topic of singing so i tell her to sing and HOLY **** she sounds like after about 3 hours later we both start saying random **** and then i have to go and i end up shutting of my comp without saying goodbye or anything or even saying "do you have a facebook/twitter/tumblr/whatever" and then i get onto tumblr just now so i get to thinking but then i realized somehow she found me and is following me so it doesn't matter how she found me and all i did was squeal like a little ****ing girl and then i do this ******ed-ass dance and then we started talking again and guys guess what she's lesbian.
she lives in another state at least it's not as bad as being next-life zoned (chicks who believe in reincarnation)
perfect people are never available, or for whatever reason never end up working. you should have seen this coming miles away
TEDDY YOU BRING HER TO ME. I LIKE KAWAII CHICAS. And I'll try to make her love you to no end too cause you're my bro
She saved you. You might not realize this or appreciate this right now. But she just saved you. Years down the line when you are single well into your 30s you'll thank her. Years after than, when you're a confirmed bachelor and see all your friends married and coupled off you'll thank her. Years later when you're in a hospital bed with no visitors or children to bother you as you slowly prepare for your last trip you'll thank her. When you finally finish your journey and knock on Death's door, against all odds she'll be the one to answer and you'll pause for a moment, thinking. But in the end, with a smile, you'll thank her.