the house that my parents bought 7 years ago, and the house i'm living in now, is the same house that my friend lived in 7 years ago before her family sold it. Now it feels strange living here. EDIT: Also found out she slept in the exact same room as me. KHV, i'm worried. I'm afraid to sleep now. Double edit: Oh shite we went to the same primary school, we were in the same sporting house and everything. We went to the same highschool too, though we weren't in the same sporting house there. This is...i'm not going to lie, this is kind of creepy. She's also in the same drama group as me o.o
Like I would know. I'm not superstitious, I don't believe in that stuff. Maybe someone's trying to say you should know what it's like to be in your friend's shoes? Who knows
The universe is trying to tell you that you're meant to be together. ...... Screw the universe. If it wants you to get together with your friend, it should just come our and say it. This round about stuff is bullsh*t.